This article is about 13 Highest Paid Lawyers in America 2023. I think that wealthy and powerful individuals can impact our lives, which is why many of us have people we look up to and want to be similar to. The same applies to all professional fields, including careers in law. There are people who have achieved what we want to achieve and have been greatly rewarded financially for their success.
Some of the highest-paid lawyers in America went to the top law schools in the world. Some of them earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law. Most of them have a really good law library, which has helped them become really good at law cases.
In this article, you will find out about the lawyers who earn the most money in the United States. Let’s begin:
highest-paid lawyers in America
We compiled this list in increasing order, which means those that have the least net worth (from our list) are seen first, followed by those with the highest.
13. Ana Quincoces (Net worth: $9 million)
Ana Quincoces is a workaholic who is known for many things, including being one of the hottest chefs, an American reality television star, an entrepreneur, and one of the best-paid lawyers in the United States. She began her food profession after working in the law business for nearly 20 years.
12. Vernon Jordan (Net worth: $12 Million)
Vernon Jordan, who was born in Atlanta, Georgia, did not become one of the highest-paid lawyers in the United States overnight; in fact, he was the only black student in a class of 400 at DePauw University. He used his legal expertise and experience to become an American corporate leader and civil rights attorney, and he eventually became President Bill Clinton’s special advisor.
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11. Thomas Mesereau (Net Worth: $25 Million)
If you are familiar with Michael Jackson, you should be aware that Thomas Mesereau was one of those who helped him regain his public image after being accused of child abuse in 1993, which continued until 2005. Jackson was found not guilty on all charges after Mesereau and Susan Yu replaced his prior counsel in 2004.
Mesereau has also represented celebrities such as Mike Tyson, Robert Blake, Claudia Haro, Bill Cosby, and others.
10. Erin Brockovich (Net worth: $42 Million)
Her name should be familiar to you because of the Oscar-winning film Erin Brockovich (2000), which depicted her struggle for environmental rights against Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Her concentration is on firms that are ruining our environment and those who live in it, and as a result, she is one of the highest-paid lawyers in America.
9. John Branca (Net worth: $50 Million)
The second person on our list is John Branca, better known as the co-executor of Michael Jackson’s estate. He played an important role in MJ’s life, assisting him in purchasing ATV Music Publishing for $47,500,000 in 1985.
He specializes in both entertainment and real estate law, and he received his law degree from the UCLA School of Law.
8. Roy Black (Net worth: $65 Million)
Roy Black is one of the highest-paid lawyers in the United States, specializing in civil procedure and criminal defense.
He gained prominence after successfully defending an American physician accused of rape, William Kennedy Smith. He has also represented a number of other celebrities, including pop singer Justin Bieber.
7. Willie Gary (Net worth: $100 Million)
Willie Gary received his law degree from North Carolina Central University School of Law and was able to obtain a $240 million decision against Disney owing to his expertise and skill. He has also won several other lawsuits, including a $500 million victory for O’Keefe and a $23 billion action against R.J. Reynolds, among others.
6. Bill Neukom (Net worth: $850 Million)
Bill Neukom is one of the highest-paid lawyers in America and served as Microsoft’s chief legal officer for over 25 years. He also retired as Microsoft’s executive vice president of legal and corporate affairs owing to his expertise.
In addition, he served as president of the American Bar Association from 2007 to 2008, and he is the creator and CEO of the World Justice Project.
5. Joseph Dahr Jamail Jr. (Net worth: $1.7 billion)
Joseph Dahr, sometimes known as the “King of Torts,” was the wealthiest practicing attorney in America when he graduated from the University of Texas School of Law. His fortune came when he won a lawsuit for Pennzoil and collected a $335 million contingency fee.
He has also been awarded America’s top personal injury lawyer by the National Law Journal for seven years in a row.
4. Jerry Reinsdorf (Net worth: $1.7 billion)
Jerry is one of the highest-paid attorneys in America, and he began his career as a tax attorney. His first job after graduating from Northwestern University Law School was working on a lawsuit for Bill Veeck, the former owner of the Chicago White Sox.
Jerry was not just a diligent attorney; he was also a real estate magnate who made a lot of money, including co-founding Balcor Co., which he eventually sold for $53 million to American Express.
Furthermore, he now owns the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bulls.
3. Richard Scruggs (Net worth: $1.9 billion)
Richard Scruggs is one of America’s highest-paid lawyers, having amassed a fortune from his cigarette lawsuit battles. He rose to prominence by successfully suing the asbestos industry on behalf of injured shipyard workers.
However, his career was not as smooth as many would have liked; he spent several years in prison as a result of his involvement in court bribery and was disbarred as a trial lawyer.
2. Peter Angelos (Net worth: $2 Billion)
Peter Angelos is a lawyer who has been successful for over 50 years. He mainly helps people who have been exposed to dangerous asbestos fibers, faulty products, medical mistakes, or have suffered personal injuries.
He mostly gets paid only when he wins the cases, so he has made a lot of money because he has won a lot of cases.
One example is when he stood up for around 8,700 steelworkers who filed a lawsuit because they were harmed by asbestos. In just this one situation, he earned around $330 million.
He is also a baseball leader from Baltimore, Maryland, and finished studying at the University of Baltimore School of Law.
1. Charlie Munger (Net worth: $2.3 billion)
I think you are familiar with him as Warren Buffett’s associate and main helper at Berkshire Hathaway. However, his journey didn’t begin there. He originally worked as a real estate lawyer and got his law degree from Harvard Law School.
In America, there are many lawyers who earn a lot of money. What’s interesting is that most of them began their careers as regular employees. If they worked hard and stayed focused, they would become rich.
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