When does the traffic start rolling in if you’re new to blogging and have previously published a few posts? .In actuality, this is one of the most frequent sources of annoyance for novice bloggers. They post a lot of content on their brand-new websites, eagerly awaiting the growth of their readership. Except that their blog is still a ghost town even after waiting weeks or even months. We’ll talk about how many blog posts you need to publish before you start getting traffic in this article. Then, we’ll discuss ways to expedite everything so that more people can see your site.
Do not be alarmed; this does not necessarily imply that there is a problem with your website or even the strategy you have employed in creating your content.
So James, What’s The Magic Number?
There isn’t one, but after about 15 posts and two months of your website being open, the majority of users should at least be receiving some organic traffic from Google.
This amount is sufficient for Google to have fully indexed your website by this point while also guaranteeing that you have a good variety of keywords to potentially compete for. If you’ve reached this stage and are still not getting any Google traffic, your approach may be flawed. For example, you can be focusing on too-competitive keywords or creating content on unpopular subjects. Later in this article, we’ll go into more detail on choosing the right keywords to target.
But keep in mind that these figures are merely suggestions. Some websites may begin to rank after only 3 posts, but if they aren’t aggressively constructing backlinks to their articles, websites in extremely competitive niches may still struggle to attract visitors even after 50 posts or more.
The optimal user experience is Google’s top priority, keep that in mind. This indicates that they show reliable, high-quality search results for each query entered.
Google struggles to determine if a website is legitimate, a massive spam farm, or even harmful in the early stages of its existence. They gain knowledge over time by researching your website and analyzing various signals to determine where your website should rank.
The problem? Without existing visitors, this is very difficult.
Google also takes into account other elements, such as the website’s topical importance. This is why it’s crucial to target a particular niche with your website. It is more obvious that coffee is your area of specialization if Google can see that you’ve written 15 articles about it, for instance. This may enable you to outperform rival websites that concentrate on a wide range of alcoholic beverages but haven’t yet gathered all of the other signals Google is looking for.
When it boils down to it, there are a gazillion other factors that could be at play, so all we can do is try to increase our odds.
Let’s look at a few things that can help blog articles rank faster.
1. Set Up Google Search Console
If you haven’t already, you should probably take this action right away.
Google has provided website owners with a set of tools called Google Search Console that can help them identify any problems preventing Google from indexing their page. Additionally, it offers some performance-related data, which might be helpful in the early going.
You can get some crucial answers by setting it up. For instance, you’ll be able to determine whether your pages have ever been found by Google or even rank at all.

Even while pages may be ranking, they may be appearing on page 7, where no one ever searches.
In the previous example, they might even be indexed and performing well, but they could improve if the problem that Google is pointing out was fixed.
You can make sure that there are no technical problems affecting your website’s ability to rank by paying attention to the warnings and information provided inside of Google Search Console.
2. Track Results With Google Analytics – No Alternatives
Compared to other free analytics plugins like Jetpack, Google Analytics is significantly more accurate.
I’d even say that tracking actual, live visitors is pointless with Jetpack.
As a result, you must use Google Analytics if you want to keep track of how your articles are doing in searches.
Fortunately, setting it up is easy, and instructions are available on Google’s website.
3. Target Low-Competition Keywords, With Search Demand
This is the stage that troubles people the most frequently.
You can’t just write about whatever you like if you want your blog to be successful. Usually, the big, fascinating subjects that come to mind first are the ones that have already been written about by every other blogger (with much bigger and more reputable websites).
Although you’re allowed to write about these topics later, in all honesty, you won’t be able to rank for them when you’re just starting out.
Never forget that there is competition for every keyword. Every other website that has published on the same subject is in competition with yours.
Some of these websites are more trustworthy and valuable than others since they have been around longer, receive more visits, and have more positive indications.
This implies that you should initially limit your attention to terms that no other websites have used.
This indicates that there aren’t many articles already written on the keyword when you conduct a Google search for it. You don’t want the first page to be completely taken up with rival articles, though a few can be OK (you can still get a respectable amount of traffic if you rank in position 3, for instance).
It should be noted that full articles, especially ones from new websites, may be able to replace pages from websites like Reddit, Quora, or specialty communities.
You may almost certainly expect to receive Google traffic for those articles if you can identify keywords that have little to no competition and a respectable volume of monthly searches. Because of this, conducting effective keyword research requires a special set of skills and is just as crucial as creating quality content.
4. Bite The Bullet. Build Backlinks!
Building backlinks is a necessary evil for many niches.
Even while very few individuals genuinely like doing it, it frequently has a greater impact than simply providing more content.
In fact, strong backlinks have the power to dramatically improve your entire website!
In case you’re not familiar, a backlink is simply a link from another website on the internet to your website. They are among the strongest indicators to Google that a website is reliable and deserving of attention. Your website will appear more reputable and authoritative in Google’s eyes the more high-quality backlinks it obtains.
Links to a page and that page’s Google ranking are directly related to one another. Many of the top rankings for competitive queries will already have backlinks established to them, making it very challenging to compete with them unless you construct your own.
The same is true for smaller websites; diligent backlink development can help them achieve top rankings even for highly competitive keywords.
In fact, some people’s whole strategy is to rank a few key pages that they know will make them money – their entire website is supported around ranking one key page at a time.
5. Pay Attention To What Works
Finally, it’s crucial to pay attention to what has worked for you and repeat it as soon as you begin receiving any traffic at all.
If certain subjects are performing better for you than others, keep penning articles in those subjects until you run out of things to say, at which point you should move on to the next one.
Look up the main phrases you’re ranking for on Google and see which websites you were able to outrank. Could you perhaps outrank them on other pages as well? What topics do they typically write about in articles?
Repeat what is working for as long as you can rather than chasing something completely new.
Always keep in mind that you want to generate as much traffic as possible with the least amount of work. This entails structuring your content around keyphrases that will help you rank better. Because if no one ever sees your stuff, no matter how excellent it is, it doesn’t mean much.
If you’ve been blogging for a while and have no search engine traffic, you might want to change your approach.
Even though it usually takes blogs six months or longer to start getting consistent traffic, you can speed up the process by focusing on simple keywords.
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