How Many Jobs Are Available in Public utilities?

How Many Jobs Are Available in Public utilities?

Last Updated on July 2, 2023 by Akwaowo Akpan

How many jobs are available in public utilities? Public utilities are businesses that give necessary things to the people. There are things like water, electricity, and natural gas systems, places where we clean our waste, and other things like roads for moving around. We need public utilities every day. They are necessary for our society to work properly and we need them to survive.

Many important companies work together to give Americans necessary services – this is called the public utility industry. These are companies that provide electricity, phone and internet services, clean water, process dirty water, and deliver natural gas to homes and buildings.

Public utilities in different cities work differently, but they all help people by giving important services. Let me give you an example:

  • Power companies provide electricity to homes and businesses across the country. They also operate power plants that generate electricity for cities and towns.
  • Telephone and cable providers provide telecommunication services including internet access and phone lines.
  • Water systems make sure that people can drink clean water. This can come from wells at people’s homes or from lakes and rivers in rural areas. Water systems also save extra water in big tanks in case they need it later. They make sure that waste doesn’t go into the water, which can hurt animals that live in it. They also use dams to stop flooding during heavy rain.

Things like electricity and water are run by the government or a special group that only exists to make sure people get these services they need. Their job is to make sure people can use resources and that they are safe and work well.

Things like power lines or pipelines that help people get electricity or water are often managed by either the government or private companies. These groups make sure they have enough resources to handle requests and avoid running out.

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What is Public Utility?

Public utilities are businesses that offer services to the general public. The government controls them and they help their customers.

Public utilities are companies that give us things we need like electricity, water to drink and wash with, gas to cook with, and sewers to take away dirty water. They sometimes have their own places that make electricity or use natural gas too. They make electricity and sell it to people who have to pay for the amount they use. The water people get at home and work comes from pipes.

Public services also offer rides around town. This can be on buses, trains, or subways.

About Public Utilities in the United States

There are three types of services that the government provides for everyone in the USA. They are electricity, gas, and water, as well as sewerage. Companies that provide electricity create and send power. Companies that distribute gas provide natural gas. Organizations that manage water and sewage collect and provide clean water and handle dirty water.

Public utilities are important in the US economy. They give necessary services like water, electricity, gas, and sewer to millions of people every day.

The public utility sector on the other hand offers different varieties of jobs, with over 675,800 workers recorded across the country as of September 2022 alone. According to research, the utility industry in the United States records an increase of 0.5% in the number of workers yearly between 2017 and 2022.

How Many Jobs Are Available In Public Utilities?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are around 1.4 million jobs you can get in public utilities.

The industry has many job openings and it is the fifth most common in America. It comes after construction and is behind healthcare/social assistance, transportation/communications, and education/training.

People who work in this industry usually make around $75,950 every year, which is much more money than the typical salary in the United States, which is about $41,320 per year.

The industry that provides important services like water, electricity, and gas is very big and getting even bigger. There are more jobs in the industry now than before, and this number is likely to continue growing.

Most people in this job make around $54,520 each year, which comes out to about $42.52 for every hour they work. People who work in this field make a yearly salary of $75,950 on average. This averages out to about $46.63 per hour.

List of How many jobs are available in public utilities

There are many well-paying jobs available in the public utilities sector, below is the list of jobs available in the public utility sector currently.

  1. Water Treatment Operator
  2. Meter Reader
  3. Communications Engineer
  4. Utility Forester
  5. Environmental Scientist
  6. Operators of petroleum pump systems
  7. Operators of power plants
  8. Pipeline Inspectors
  9. Power distributors and dispatchers
  10. Electric Power Plant manager
  11. Natural Gas Distribution Manager
  12. Power Plant Maintenance Supervisor
  13. Renewable energy manager
  14. Nuclear Power reactor operator
  15. Wind Turbine Service technician
  16. Soler photovoltaic Installer
  17. The operator of a geothermal power plant
  18. Hydroelectric power plant Operator
  19. Electrical Manager
  20. Energy Auditor
  21. Manager of the Wind farm
  22. Hydroelectric Plant technician
  23. Water engineer
  24. Gas Plant Manager
  25. Electrical Engineer
  26. Mechanical Engineer
  27. Civil Engineer
  28. Architectural Designer
  29. Surveyor
  30. Content Creation

The government is a big part of the economy and creates many jobs and chances for people.

In 2015, around 2.6 million people worked for the government in America. Around 2.6 million people got paid by the government for their work.

And it’s only the start. The Bureau of Labor Statistics thinks there are 150,000 extra jobs in the public sector than in the private sector.

The government is very important to us. The government gives us police and fire services to keep us safe. They also help us in emergencies. They give education to our kids too. Public transportation and libraries are available for people to use.

So what are the stats about this sector? Here are some facts about the jobs available in the public sector:

  • There are over 2 million people employed in the public sector.
  • This is more than 10% of all workers in America.
  • The average salary for someone working in a public sector job is $75,000 per year.
  • The highest paying job in this sector is called a chief executive officer (CEO). It pays an average salary of $218,000 per year.

In-Demand Jobs in the Public Utilities

Many jobs are open in the public utility field.

There will be more jobs in the public utility industry. The number of jobs will increase by 10% between 2019 and 2026. Over 2.6 million people work in this area in 2018. It is expected that this number will increase by 4% by 2026.

Most public utility workers make $32,000 a year, but some earn more by working extra hours or getting promoted. In certain jobs, people can make a lot of money. For instance, some people who work in construction make an average of $70,000 every year.

Power Plant Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $96,500-$136,500

There are many different jobs you can do in the government utilities field. Most of the workers are power plant engineers.

In 2010, there were 6,700 power plant engineers who had jobs in the United States, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There were 2,500 people working in manufacturing and 4,200 people working in construction.

In May 2010, power plant engineers earned an average salary of $81,770 per year, according to the BLS.

Besides power plant engineers, jobs are also open for people who want to work as equipment operators or supervisors. This group has over 20 different areas like electrical engineering and electronics technology.

Nuclear Licensing Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $66,500-$145,500

An engineer for nuclear licenses makes sure that the power plant and reactor are being used safely and properly. They watch over the plant to make sure it works as it should and is safe.

The person who is in charge of getting permission for nuclear plants may also have to make new plans or change old ones, based on the needs of the place.

Do you have what it takes?

To get a job in nuclear licensing, you must have a college degree in engineering or something like it, and you need to have worked in that area for at least four years. You’ll have to work with other experts and government authorities to make sure your place follows all the rules.

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Utility Manager

Annual Salary Range: $62,500-$142,000

Utility managers make sure that the water and electricity keep working all the time. They’re in charge of making sure we always have these important things available.

People who manage utility services need to understand difficult information and use that knowledge to make choices. To be good at solving problems, it is important to be able to talk to people and make them understand what you mean.

Utility managers need to be good at creating and guiding a team of workers, handling money, helping customers, and communicating between the public and private parts of the industry.

Power System Dispatcher

Annual Salary Range: $47,500-$125,000

The power system dispatcher makes sure that all electric, gas, and water vehicles that provide services are sent out safely and with no problems.

The person who answers the phone helps and tells people what to do. They make sure everything works right and everyone stays safe.

Power System Dispatchers make sure that the power system is working well and following the plan.

As a power system dispatcher, your job is to check the power system, test equipment, and tell someone if anything isn’t working right. You need to work with other teams to fix or improve things.

Radiation Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $73,000-$123,000

If you care about the environment, you might want to work in public utilities.

The Radiation Engineer makes sure that radioactive materials are safe for people and the environment. They make sure everyone follows the right steps to avoid accidents.

This is a great chance for students who want to work in a job that is both technical and focused on people.

Gas Controller

Annual Salary Range: $62,500-$120,000

The Gas Controller keeps track of how much money the city spends on gas, electricity, and water. Their job is to gather, look into, and share information to make sure all the money earned from utilities is counted and recorded correctly.

The Gas Controller will lead and guide different projects. These projects can be about many things.

The Gas Controller’s job is to take care of the gas system and make sure it works well for everyone who uses it. As a gas controller, your job is to make sure the gas system is safe, works well, and uses energy wisely. Your job will require you to do certain tasks.:

  • Developing a comprehensive plan for the city’s gas system
  • Reviewing customer accounts for accuracy and completeness
  • Conducting monthly audits of each utility’s accounts to identify areas where improvements can be made
  • Identifying new sources of revenue to fund capital projects
  • Maintaining records and reports on all aspects of the gas system as it relates to safety and reliability
  • Updating processes to ensure they meet all applicable regulatory guidelines
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Managing project timelines and budgets

Substation Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $91,000-$118,000

The Substation Engineer designs and installs equipment for sub-transmission and distribution lines.

The job needs someone who knows about electrical engineering. They should know about safety, reliability, and making sure things can be fixed easily. You need to use this technical knowledge when making and setting up equipment for sub-transmission and distribution lines. Moreover, the person working as a Substation Engineer should be able to use their engineering skills to solve issues that come up while working.

Qualifications include:

  • A bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related field, with at least 4 years of experience in substation design or field supervision on a project-based basis, and at least 2 years of experience as a design engineer.
  • Knowledge of electrical engineering principles and practices, including the principles of safety, reliability, and serviceability. This technical knowledge must be applied to the design and installation of sub-transmission and distribution line substation equipment. In addition, the Substation Engineer must be able to apply his or her engineering knowledge to problems arising in the field

Pipeline Controller

Annual Salary Range: $63,000-$117,500

Pipeline controllers make sure pipelines work safely and well. They work with pipeline and equipment designers to make sure the system is working its best.

The Pipeline Controller has a big job! They need to make sure everything is working well, keep track of what gets fixed, and work with others on the team. They also need to let managers know what’s going on and make sure everyone stays safe while working.

Responsibilities include:

  • Supervising the daily activities of construction and maintenance personnel.
  • Conducting inspections on construction and maintenance sites, as well as pipeline installations.
  • Ensuring that contractors are paid for their services promptly.
  • Monitoring pipeline systems to ensure they are safe for operation and safe from damage from natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods) or man-made threats (e.g., vandalism).
  • Calculating flow rates based on changes in demand during the day; monitoring pressure levels; making adjustments as needed to keep pipelines in good working order; identifying equipment failure points through visual inspection and monitoring equipment alarms; reporting issues in real-time.

Power Transmission Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $71,000-$116,000

Power Transmission Engineers plan, design, and build systems for moving electricity. They do different kinds of projects, such as building things that don’t take much time and taking care of things that need to be fixed over a long time.

To do well in this job, you need a lot of knowledge about engineering and power transmission.

We are looking for someone who has worked as an engineer for 5 years or more, and has mainly worked on power transmission systems. You need to be good at talking to people and explaining things well.


  • Designing, implementing, and maintaining an automated control system
  • Performing electrical calculations and technical analysis
  • Monitoring and analyzing equipment operation to maintain safe conditions

Power Systems Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $81,500-$115,000

The Power Systems Engineer designs and sets up electrical power systems for different places like homes, offices, factories, and public buildings. This job needs knowledge of both the technical and business parts of power systems.

The person applying for the job needs to have knowledge about designing and setting up electrical power systems. They should be skilled in different areas like hardware, software, and combining different systems together. The new employee should be able to work alone or with fellow engineers to make solutions that make customers happy.

The Power Systems Engineer will be responsible for:

  • Developing a comprehensive understanding of customer specifications and requirements
  • Creating designs based on technical constraints
  • Implementing design solutions according to customer specifications


  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related field
  • Experience working with electrical equipment, including power systems (generators, regulators, transformers)
  • Experience working with control systems (e.g., SCADA)

Water Resource Specialist

Annual Salary Range: $59,500-$308,500

As a Senior Water Resource Specialist, you will lead a team of experts who work on finding new and better ways to help water utilities manage their resources in the state. You will help customers find solutions that are important to them. You will lead and guide your team and look for ways to help the company grow.

A Water Resource Specialist leads a team that creates new ideas to help water companies in the state. They use feedback from customers and information from other parts of our organization like finance and marketing.

Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer

Annual Salary Range: $73,500-$172,000

A Nuclear Safety Engineer makes sure that places with nuclear power are safe and do not harm anyone or anything. They check if nuclear facilities are built well, work properly, and can be taken care of without any danger. They ask experts if they should put new equipment in old places and how to keep workers safe during disasters.

To become a Nuclear Criticalities Engineer, you need to have a degree in engineering or something related. You should also have lots of experience working with things like nuclear power plants, making fuel, and handling waste. They might also be taught math or science.

The Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer helps make sure nuclear reactors are safe. They also help create new ways to keep them safe.

What are the things to put into consideration when searching for a job in the utility sector?

Working for public utilities can earn you money, but it’s important to know what’s needed before you start job searching.

You must have finished high school or have an equal level of education. If you don’t know how to work in that area, you can learn by taking an education and training program.

After that, you must be able to clear a test that checks your past records and ensure that you do not have any drug abuse issues. You need to pass a big health check that checks if you can lift heavy things and do hard activities like going up stairs or poles without any tools.

If you like working for public utilities, get a job that requires lifting heavy objects and moving them around. These jobs pay well and are popular with employers who need workers during emergencies such as hurricanes or power outages.

What are the advantages of working at a public utility?

Working for public utilities has many advantages. These benefits are not only about helping the environment.

They stay the same and don’t change, so you can make plans for the future and know they will happen. This is really important if you’re just starting and don’t have a lot of experience yet. Your job will likely not change much and be safe, which is rare in other industries.

Public utilities always need to hire new workers. This means you could have a better chance of moving up in your career faster than someone else who has more experience. It’s a good place to work if you want to advance.

What are the different types of public utilities?

There are three basic types of public utilities: electric, Gas, and water. Electric utilities provide electricity to customers, while water utilities provide water services.

Electric Utilities

Electricity comes from power plants which burn coal or natural gas. These power plants use fuel to create heat. The heat makes steam which turns a turbine, and this makes energy that can move things round and round. This energy turns into electricity. The turbine makes energy that goes into a machine called a generator. The generator turns this energy into electricity. We have two kinds of electricity called alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). AC is not as common as DC because DC is easier to use at home and work.

Water Utilities

Water supply is another sort of open utility that gives clean drinking water through channels from waterways or lakes into people’s homes so they can drink new water without having to buy bottled water from stores or eateries.

Water is additionally produced utilizing control plants that burn fossil fills, but it’s ordinarily more productive than creating power from coal due to the diverse sorts of fuel utilized for control plants (common gas vs. coal). Water utilities produce their control through hydroelectric dams or other implies, such as wind turbines or sun oriented boards.

Gas Utilities

Normal gas is another sort of open utility that gives warm and hot water to families to meet their vitality needs. Characteristic gas warms homes amid cold climate months when other shapes of vitality like coal or oil aren’t accessible. In expansion to warming your domestic, common gas is additionally utilized for cooking nourishment and running apparatuses like discuss conditioners and fridges.

Sewerage Utilities

Sewerage utilities collect sewage from private and commercial properties some time recently it streams into neighborhood sewers that release into streams or lakes on the off chance that they are found in watersheds past a metropolitan boundary line (MBL).

Public Lighting Utilities

The government can give people a benefit called the control supply, which lets them use electricity at home or work. The most common type of public service is important for any modern society. The government gives this help to let everyone have access to electricity, which helps them cook food and heat their homes.

Is Electric Utilities Central a Good Career Path?

Electric Utilities Central is a good job option for those who want to work in the electricity industry. Electric companies are very important and give many people jobs. They help our society. Electric companies make electricity and keep the power system working.

Electric companies not only have an important job, but they also work to make sure power is always available by creating, moving, giving out, and exchanging electricity. Electricity companies have become more intricate as they have grown into new areas of work and industries.

This has made them harder to handle, but it also made new jobs for people who are interested in this business area.

Power stations are found all over the world, but North America has some of the biggest ones because people there use lots of electricity because of factories and cities.

These networks give power to homes, shops, and factories over big areas of land so they can work well without losing power.

It’s important to know that we’re not just talking about being an electrician, but also working in building things. If you want to be an electrician, this job will help you grow and move up.

The industry that provides electricity has been getting bigger, so there are more jobs for people who are good for them. It’s great because there’s always something new to learn every day with the new technology being developed.

Working in this area allows you to have more options to choose from when deciding where to live and work. You can work in any place in the country or other countries if needed. You don’t need to stay in one place for a long time like some other jobs require.

Electric utilities offer a wide range of career paths, including:

  • Accounting/Finance – You will help to maintain the financial records of the electric utility and assist with billing customers.
  • Engineering – You will work as an engineer, which means that you will design, build, or maintain electrical equipment such as power distribution systems, substations, and transmission lines.
  • General Operations – You will be responsible for maintaining customer service records, maintaining inventories of materials used in electrical construction projects, and other general maintenance services such as building maintenance.
  • Management – This involves managing employees and keeping track of employee performance evaluations and compensation packages. Management positions can also include supervising other employees on projects or at facilities where they work.

What is the size of the electric utility sector?

The electricity industry is very big in the U.S. Money and business have been getting bigger for the last ten years. The area is responsible for around 10% of the country’s income and gives work to over 1 million individuals.

The industry has power companies that give power to people and also has companies that make or send electricity. Utilities give people water and help them get rid of waste. They also offer phone service and other helpful services to make their customers happy. They help businesses that use a lot of energy over a large area too.


  • Akwaowo Akpan

    Hi there, welcome to Online Studying Services. As a fan of authentic information and a student, I devise this means to offer reliable information to international students wishing to either study abroad or online. Thanks for stopping by!

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