10 Best Schools of Forestry in the US

10 Best Schools of Forestry in the US

Last Updated on September 18, 2023 by Akwaowo Akpan

This article is about Schools of Forestry in the US. In recent years, the fields of study in forestry programs have expanded. The field includes a wide variety of outreach, maintenance, research, and horticulture careers.

Industries partner with many university programs to create sustainable working forests, and many offer internships and graduate employment opportunities.

The National Park Service and other conservation organizations also work with graduate and even undergraduate programs across the country. With the right choice of institution, prospective forestry students can explore a wide range of potential career paths while studying.

Forestry excellence programs exist in most parts of the country where schools have access to large tracts of forested land for training and research; The Pacific Northwest, West Coast, Northeast, Midwest and South all have strong Schools of Forestry in the US.

From glaciers to peatlands, from urban grasslands to thousands of acres of hardwood forests, forestry students experience hands-on learning and gain the skills they need to help conserve natural resources. precious nature of the world.

These specials cater to a variety of interests. Each school offers at least a few programs with degree pathways certified by the American Forestry Association.

Sustainability coordination, fire management, ecotourism – whatever type of career a candidate intends to pursue in the forestry industry, there is a program designed to prepare them for their future in the forest.

Here are 10 of the best schools of forestry in the US.

Oregon State University College of Forestry (Corvallis, OR)

This is the first on our list of schools of forestry in the US. The College of Forestry at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon offers a variety of study options. With a 15,000-acre research forest and extensive facilities, Oregon State’s location and environment supports a full range of undergraduate and graduate majors and concentrations, including roles commerce, research and public services.

The mission of the program is to equip students and faculty with the conditions and tools to address environmental problems, develop sustainable land management practices, and nurture the needs of society. for wood resources for products and buildings.

Undergraduate students can explore options such as Forest Engineering, Renewable Materials or Natural Resources as areas of interest. The Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership major provides training for students interested in pursuing a career in sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation management. The diversity of spaces dedicated to research and study demonstrates the many learning pathways within this program.

The Oregon Forest Science Complex houses the program’s Forest Science Center, Wood Products Lab, Tallwood Design Institute, classrooms and lab space. Here, laboratories allow for woodworking, structural testing of up to three floors, and an Incubator for active learning and research.

Elsewhere on campus, the Oak Creek Conservatory provides space for seedling research and water analysis, with students having a collaborative chemical analysis lab. The campus also has a controlled environment for the study of non-native arthropods. The Oregon State program also offers outreach programs covering everything from wood innovation to wildfire management. Lectures, agroforestry workgroups, support for women as forest owners, and master’s programs for forestry professionals are all rooted in the College of Forestry’s extension programs.

Over 200 graduates study forest ecology, sustainable forest management, wood science or earn a master’s degree in natural resources.

The school’s Chile Initiative offers Oregon State forestry students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, global vision and collaborative skills as they join colleagues from across the world. various universities and research laboratories in Chile to study forest management policy and international trade. The College of Forestry is located on its Corvallis Campus, recognized as one of the friendliest and most beautiful college cities in the United States.

The Willamette River and Oregon Coast offer recreational activities and scenic walks; the area is known as a popular destination for birdwatchers from around the world. Whether you want to enjoy the sports and outdoors in the area or catch a show at the historic Majestic Theatre, Corvallis is a lively town in a breathtaking location.

Michigan Technological University College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (Houghton, MI)

This is the second on our list of schools of forestry in the US. Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences defines itself as “a community of scholars by name.”

This dynamic program showcases fieldwork, research and student satisfaction. Their Lake Superior campus and 5,000 acres of research forest provide students with plenty of space to train and find their calling in the forestry field. Today, research topics in Michigan Tech projects include wildlife ecology, biotechnology and molecular genetics, biofuel exploration, forest biomaterials, fire and grassland restoration.

The oldest prey-prey study in the world, focusing on wolves and elk from Isle Royale, is also located at Michigan Tech. Forestry research isn’t just about trees at Michigan Tech.

The Michigan Technology Program requires more than 700 hours of outdoor instruction – great news for students passionate about forestry. Management and conservation are highlights of the programme, along with a strong awareness that changing global circumstances require new skills and training to meet future environmental challenges.

Since 1936, the College of Environmental Sciences and Forest Resources has continued to expand, develop and add new aspects to its courses and degrees. Students can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in forestry, as well as wildlife ecology, sustainable biological products, natural resource management, applied ecology and environmental science.

Graduate fields include the Master of Forestry, Master of Science in Geoinformatics, Master of Science in Applied Ecology, and PhD programs in Forest Science and Faeces. Forestry and Biotechnology.

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse, NY)

This is the third on our list of schools of forestry in the US. At the State University of New York at Syracuse, the forestry program is part of the School of Forest and Environmental Sciences, an award-winning academic and research facility with 25,000 acres of university land devoted to research and training. .

The program offers a variety of degrees, including the Ranger School, a two-year associate degree in applied sciences including forestry technology, surveying and natural resource conservation that has trained rangers park since 1912

The Adirondack Mountains provide a spectacular backdrop as well as living laboratory for SUNY ESF students.

With 27 undergraduate faculties and 54 graduate areas, ESF has one of the largest programs in environmental and forestry studies.

Campus Sustainability implements student solutions for the program at ESF and in communities outside of the field, clean energy practices, resource management, recycling, and team-led projects other on-campus leadership and academic research.

Students who are ready to make a difference to the environment will have this opportunity at ESF. The SUNY Climate Change Institute, currently under development, will help SUNY’s 64 campuses across New York State tailor their operations to reduce their environmental impact.

Another ongoing project is rethinking massive construction with wood and developing more sustainable and less expensive production methods. ESF researchers have developed a blight-tolerant American chestnut, saving a species that has almost disappeared from our forests.

The school’s Open Academy offers continuing and online education programs for professionals, and classes include the same faculty as the full-time program.

ESF students have access to SUNY’s career services, as well as a global employment database. Alumni go on to diverse careers as landscape architects, UN consultants, rangers, golf course designers, award-winning scientists and educators, entrepreneurs and government officials.

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University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources (Minneapolis, MN)

For 50 years, Minnesotans with tree questions have turned to volunteer tree care counselors who will answer their calls or emails.

Citizens Pruning with professional assistance Minneapolis employees maintain the city’s flora.

Treeguards help the whole community, monitor watering problems or plant diseases, and participate in tree-planting initiatives.

All of these community programs are implemented through the Department of Forest Resources at the University of Minnesota.

This program takes a hands-on, service-oriented approach to forestry science. Students are encouraged to take interdisciplinary courses to align their academic pathways with their educational and career goals.

The program’s mission recognizes the urgent need for new minds and hands in educating the public and managing the resources we have to conserve the world’s forests.

In the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences, the Faculty of Forest Resources is centered on the Cloquet Forestry Center, a place of study, research and recreation since 1909. In line with the mission Department, this center is open to the public from time to time. It also provides a framework for forest resources students to practice forest management techniques, study forest genetics, monitor the effects of climate change on forest productivity, and engage in a variety of research opportunities. rescue.

Students can focus on issues ranging from invasive species to the mechanics and structural design of wood products. In addition, students can participate in research projects around the world in places as diverse as Uganda and Antarctica.

But even on the Twin Cities campus, thousands of acres of woodland on the shores of Lake Superior means most learning will take place outdoors for future planters, sustainability consultants, environmental lawyers schools, community educators, and researchers. annual training program.

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment (Lexington, KY)

This is the fifth on our list of schools of forestry in the US. The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Kentucky develops a framework for the study of forestry in environmental, scientific, and business contexts, focusing on providing students with the tools they need to make informed decisions. necessary decisions that junglers must face the world beyond the classroom or lab. .

The Kentucky Forest Service believes that our forests sustain us all and that their conservation and use is in the public interest.

While forestry students will take courses such as geospatial technology and winter dendrites, they will also have the opportunity to learn about sawmill and logging equipment, as well as skills and other techniques are more specific in the industry.

Looking for maple syrup factory? Kentucky will offer a program to help students who are interested in entering this niche industry that is seeing a resurgence in the age of small-scale production and cottage industry farming.

Kentucky forestry students spend approximately 14 weeks in a hands-on, outdoor learning environment, often among the 15,000 acres of forest the university has access to.

Kentucky specifically focuses on wildlife fire management and trains students for careers in the field; UK Fire Cats, British fire students, work as Kentucky Forest Service staff to fight wildfires on weekends during fire season.

Surrounded by horse farms and located in Lexington (often ranked in the Top 20 college towns in the US), the University of Kentucky also offers exciting sports teams, high-class residence halls and beneficial sources of state funding. university land.

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University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (Seattle, WA)

Very few forestry programs can be set in a true rainforest.

However, students and researchers at the University of Washington School of Forest and Environmental Sciences still often conduct research in the Hoh Rainforest, sometimes above it.

Access to sites like Olympic National Park, Green Glacier, Pack Experiment Forest at Mt. Rainier and the Hoh Rainforest give the UW program and its students a unique advantage and learning opportunity.

In addition to access to the Pacific Northwest Special Fields classroom, UW students have a Metropolitan Field Workplace at the UW Botanical Gardens, home to over 20,000 species of living plants from around the world that have be collected.

Rare plants, wetlands and forests make up the lively classroom, as well as the library and specimen room.

On campus, SEFS shares laboratories with other departments, including a biofuels lab, wildfire services lab, and facilities that focus on soil and air analysis. geographical space.

Conservation, restoration, and solving real-world problems are at the heart of UW.

UW SEFS undergraduate programs include ESRM (Earth Resource Management and Environmental Science) and BSE (Bio-Resources Science and Engineering), as well as a minor option in Ecological Restoration. .

Master and Doctor of Science programs continue, as well as specialized professional degrees such as the Master of Environmental Horticulture and the Master of Forest Resources, a program accredited by the SAF.

Partnerships with government agencies, private industry and other research institutions offer UW students a wide variety of opportunities for research, funding and work experience.

Center for Sustainable Forests, Center for International Trade in Forest Products, and Precision Forestry Cooperatives, among others, are collaborative programs aimed at conservation and effective industrial practice with UW . faculty and students.

Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences (Auburn, AL)

The School of Forest and Wildlife Science at Auburn University applies experiential learning, extension programs and global awareness of sustainability and conservation.

Offering rich continuing education and online graduate programs, Auburn demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and the changing nature of environmental science.

Alabama’s natural biodiversity provides an ideal environment for research and training. Undergraduate students often act as research assistants, collecting and analyzing field data, or managing project sites.

The School of Forestry and Wildlife organizes a variety of clubs, as well as annual professional and social development events and fairs, promoting a collective and collaborative atmosphere.

Unique to the program is the online Master of Forestry Business & Investment degree, a Master of Science degree offered in conjunction with the College of Business at Auburn.

Undergraduate majors include Wildlife Ecology and Pre-Veterinary Wildlife Science along with Forestry and Forestry Engineering, a joint degree in the engineering program.

Forestry students spend summers away from campus at the Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center, receiving training and hands-on experience, preparing them for the two-year culmination of which all forestry majors are involved. must be completed before graduation.

University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources (Athens, GA)

The University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources is one of the largest programs on the list, with approximately 200 graduate students and 300 undergraduate students studying one of the forestry-related majors. Karma.

Warnell has faculty, facilities and resources to match its student population, as well as a wide range of research and career opportunities.

Students interested in pursuing a career at the highest level of expertise find the program challenging and the teaching staff at Warnell will support the role.

The Double Dawgs program allows students to study an undergraduate and graduate degree concurrently, earning both in 5 years or less.

These programs also provide opportunities to diversify studies; For example, a student may choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree in fisheries and wildlife with a master’s degree in forest resources.

Doctoral programs are designed to prepare students for professorial or research specialist positions, and they include areas of study such as community forestry and horticulture, or politics. and sustainability.

Interdisciplinary doctorate. conservation or toxicology programs are offered in partnership with ministries.

Warnell began operations in 1906 as the Peabody Forestry School, and its enviable geographical position among three distinct geographical regions (coastal plains, foothills, and mountains) has allowed the school to become a into one of the most respected forestry programs, leading the way in training not only foresters, but the next generation of forest educators.

Its research and outreach programs put it at the forefront of forestry innovation and development, addressing issues of sustainability and the future of the world’s forests.

University of Florida School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences (Gainesville, FL)

The newly renamed University of Florida School of Forestry, Fisheries, and Geology is home to the Forest Resources and Conservation program, dedicated to education and tools for forest conservation and management.

This program not only prepares professionals in the field, but also aims to educate the public, landowners and anyone involved in the management of forest lands and natural resources.

Due to Florida’s region and geography, the Forest Resources and Conservation program at the University of Florida offers research programs in subtropical agroforestry and forest hydrology.

Austin Cary Forest, just north of Gainesville offers more than 2,000 acres of teaching woodland, as well as research and conference facilities.

University of Florida students have access to a large, diverse faculty that promotes research and development globally. Dr. Raelene Crandall recently received a major grant for her work on longleaf pines, as well as her research on fire ecology.

Dr. Karen Kainer, co-designator with the Center for Latin American Studies, works with the Tropical Conservation and Development Program. Dr. Ajay Sharma, a forester and forest ecologist, has worked in India with the Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Government of Delhi.

The School of Forestry, Fisheries and Geology is at the forefront of technology, has a team of leaders in this field and is located in a favorable geographical location. These characteristics, coupled with its educational mission, make it one of the best forestry schools in the country.

UC Berkeley Rausser College of Natural Resources (Berkeley, CA)

This is the last on our list of schools of forestry in the US. Rausser College of Natural Resources at the University of Caifornia at Berkeley provides ecosystem management services in forestry; Rausser has been recognized as one of the best programs in the world for ecological and environmental studies.

Forestry Field Camp is a compulsory summer program for all forestry majors in the EMF major. For eight weeks, EMF students live in the Sierra Nevada, attending lectures daily and practicing field research skills.

Students earn academic credit for their courses and forge strong relationships with faculty and peers.

The AMF major prepares students for careers in consulting, range management, nonprofit conservation, professional forestry, and other professional environmental careers. The program’s alumni association, Cal Alumni Foresters, provides mentoring and funding services to current applicants.

Ongoing work at Berkeley Research Forests is testing management strategies for different climate change scenarios. The growing problem of wildfires on the West Coast is also reflected in Berkeley’s research as faculty members work to understand and address the origins and impacts of these devastating fires.

Students undertaking forestry research to make a difference in the future of our natural resources nationally and globally will find their starting point at Rausser College, Berkeley.


  • Akwaowo Akpan

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