Which is the Best Country to Au Pair Abroad?

Which is the Best Country to Au Pair Abroad?

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People frequently ask which nation is ideal for au pair employment. Select a nation that offers a well-respected au pair program or, at the very least, a working holiday visa that enables you to remain and earn a living there. In light of this, I have selected the following nations based on the ease with which a legitimate visa may be obtained and the pay offered. Choose one of them to be your home during your time as an au pair abroad.


Age limit: European Union citizens are between 17-30 years old and au pairs from non-EU countries must be between the ages of 18-25.

Typical hours: Au pairs cant work more than 30 hours a week.

Average monthly pay: For 30 hours of work per week, au pairs are paid between 500 and 700 Swiss Francs (about $550 and 770 USD) per month. The host family must additionally pay for half of the mandatory language course in addition to housing and meals.

Why should you work as an au pair in Switzerland?

Switzerland is the ideal place for an au pair seeking to travel across Europe because it is surrounded by five nations and is only a short train ride from many more. Since Switzerland is relatively costly, like Sweden, working as an au pair there will let you experience the culture without going over your spending limit.

Additionally, as Switzerland has four official languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh), you should be able to find a family in one of the autonomous regions that speaks your desired language.

What is the legal position in Switzerland for au pairs?

Both EU citizens and non-EU nationals may apply for au pair visas and residency permits. For up to two years, EU nationals are allowed to work in Switzerland. The maximum stay for au pairs from outside the EU is one year. Each week, au pairs must spend at least three hours in a language class.


Age limit: To secure a working holiday visa for au pairing, participants must be at least 18 but no older than 30.

Typical hours: Au pairs usually work between 25 to 30 hours a week.

There is no standard au pair salary in Canada, however rates range from $235 to $290 per week, with accommodation and board, depending on the applicable province’s minimum wage.

Why work as an au pair in Canada?

Canada is a big country, similar to the US, with lots of opportunities for au pairs to work and practice their English (or French, if you choose to go to Quebec). Canadians are known for their warmth and friendliness, so au pairs will surely find it easy to make local friends.

What is the legal status in Canada for au pairs?

Despite not having an official au pair program, Canada does provide a working holiday visa called International Experience Canada that enables people from 27 different countries between the ages of 18 and 35 to work in Canada on temporary contracts.


Age limit: Non-EU citizens should be between 18-26, while EU citizens should be between17-30.

Typical hours: Au pairs in Germany can work up to 6 days a week for no more than 30 hours.

Average monthly pay: The minimum monthly wage is 280 euros ($327 USD). Health care expenses must be covered by host families, but not language-learning expenses.

Why au pair in Germany?

Germany has a diverse environment, from the Alps in southern Bavaria to the ports in northern Hamburg. Because there are many cities and smaller towns with institutions, language schools, and young people, it is a great place for au pairs to make new friends. Furthermore, you won’t have any trouble interacting with locals because the majority of Germans speak English well.

What’s the legal situation for au pairs in Germany?

In Germany, non-EU/EEA nationals between the ages of 18 and 26 can apply for an au pair visa. This visa has a 12-month maximum validity period and cannot be extended. Because this is not a work visa, au pairs are not allowed to work outside of their responsibilities as babysitters.

Au pairs must have a fundamental command of German (level A1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). When applying for a visa, you will need to take a test if you don’t have a certificate. The au pair is also responsible for paying for their trip to Germany as well as their visa.


Age limit: Au pairs should be between 18 and 30 years old.

Typical hours: Au pairs in Australia should work no more than 38 hours a week according to national employment standards.

Average monthly pay: Because there’s no official au pair program in Australia wages vary, but most families pay between $150 – 250 AUD ($145 – 180 USD) a week in addition to room and board.

Why work as an au pair in Australia?

Australia is a popular destination for young travelers looking to take a gap year, making it the perfect place for an au pair who wants to work and travel. Making friends with other tourists won’t be difficult for au pairs, as Australians are always up for a night out. You’re less likely to experience a language barrier if you’re from an English-speaking country (though don’t completely rule it out because learning Australian slang can be like learning a new language), and those who are interested in studying the language will have lots of opportunity.

What is the legal status in Australia for au pairs?

Despite the fact that Australia does not have an official au pair visa, citizens of a number of nations between the ages of 18 and 30 can apply for a working holiday or work and holiday visa. This visa allows for casual employment, but only for a maximum of six consecutive months at the same employer.


Age limit: Au pairs in Sweden must be between 18-30.

Typical hours: Au pairs in Sweden work a maximum of 25 hours a week.

Average monthly pay: In addition to the mandatory language course, host families in Sweden must provide room and board as well as a minimum monthly stipend of 3,500 SEK (about $400 USD).

Why work as an au pair in Sweden?

You can live and work in a country that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive to travel to for an extended period of time if you choose to become an au pair in Sweden. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to pick up a new language and even sample some homemade Swedish meatballs.

What is the legal position in Sweden for au pairs?

With a work permit, non-EU nationals can work as au pairs in Sweden. In order to take part in a language course, Swedish-speaking au pairs in Sweden must be between the ages of 18 and 30. (and paid for by the host family). The maximum stay for au pairs is one year.

United States

Age limit: To be an au pair in the United States you must be between 18-26.

Typical hours: Au pairs in the U.S. will work no more than 45 hours a week and no more than 10 hours a day.

Average monthly pay: Au pairs must be paid $195.75 a week. They are also given 2 weeks of paid vacation each year along with their own bedroom and three meals a day.

Why work as an au pair in the United States?

If you are not an American, you might think about working as an au pair in the country for the following reasons.

The United States is a large, diversified nation with cities and towns to meet the demands of every au pair. Since there are so many au pairs, especially in bigger cities, it is simple to meet young people from different countries. You will be able to improve your English and pursue any college-level course of study with the education prerequisite.

What is the legal status of au pairs in the United States?

Au pairs can visit the US thanks to the J-1 au pair visa program. The procedure of locating an au pair family differs significantly since au pairs must find their families through one of 14 government-approved organizations.

A criminal history check and a strong command of the English language are requirements for au pairs. A 12-month contract that can be extended by 6, 9, or 12 months for a total of 24 months is signed by au pairs. Their host families provide a $500 educational stipend for each.


Age limit: Denmark au pairs must be between 17 and 29 years old.

Typical hours: In Denmark, au pairs work a maximum of 30 hours a week.

Average monthly pay: Au pairs receive a stipend of 4,550 DKK (around $720 USD) a month. Your host family will also pay for insurance and if you’re from a non-European country, your trip home at the end of your contract.

Why work as an au pair in Denmark?

Denmark might not be your first choice when considering where to spend your au pair year in Europe, but with high income and a sizable English-speaking population, it’s worth a chance. In addition, Denmark is a highly safe nation with a culture that values downtime and socializing with loved ones. What a wonderful year to be an au pair!

What is the legal position in Denmark for au pairs?

In Denmark, au pairs between the ages of 17 and 29 can live there. The au pair and the host family must sign a contract created by the Danish government in order to obtain this license, guaranteeing that both parties accept all of the requirements. The validity of the residency permit is 12 months.

New Zealand

Age limit: Au pairs must be between 18 and 30 years old.

Typical hours: In New Zealand, au pairs are required to work between 30 -35 hours a week, and have at least one day off.

Average monthly pay: As an au pair in New Zealand, you can expect to earn between $170 – 240 NZD ($120 – 165 USD) per week in addition to room and board.

Why should you work as an au pair in New Zealand?

The adventurous spirit of New Zealand and the remarkable friendliness that Kiwis are famous for make it a desirable location for au pairs from other countries. The country of New Zealand is incredibly stunning and diverse. Walking is a viable option almost everywhere. Furthermore, you won’t encounter any language obstacles if English is your first language. If you want to live with a family, New Zealand is a great place to be an au pair. You won’t be seen as a babysitter as much as a big brother or sister.

What is the legal status in New Zealand for au pairs?

Similar to Australia, New Zealand also requires a Working Holiday Visa for au pairs. This visa is legitimate for a whole year.

You can explore the world and experience a new culture by working as an au pair. However, it’s important to choose the right nation for you. Having the security of a work permit will ensure that you enjoy yourself as well as getting the pay and benefits you merit for your hard work. An unforgettable international journey might be started by picking one of the mentioned locations!

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