How to Become Anorexic Very Fast in 2024

How to Become Anorexic Very Fast in 2024

Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by Akwaowo Akpan

This article is on how to become anorexic. For most people, being overweight can be extremely embarrassing because it can cause unpleasant situations or make it difficult to act naturally in social situations. Because of this, individuals in this group are always looking for ways to develop anorexia. This article will explain what anorexia is, how it develops, what symptoms to look out for, and why some people want to develop anorexia.

Here is how to become anorexic very fast

Here are the most effective ways anyone regardless of body weight can become anorexic fast.

  • Meal plan/Diet plan
  • Take Only a few Bites from Every Meal
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat only food that contains low-calorie
  • Take a stroll
  • Drink a Lot of Water

#1. Meal plan/Diet plan

Drink a cup of tea or coffee to start your day, but avoid added sugars, carbs, and caffeine. After that, you could make a deliciously marinated barbecued rib for lunch.
when you keep up the diet plan at a very high pace. It will assist with organization and greatly enhance your enjoyment of feeding.

#2. Take Only a few Bites from Every Meal

This method of how to become anorexic is unarguably the most effective. With this technique, you can eat any food you desire.

#3. Exercise regularly

To become anorexic, you have to skip crucial meals, Exercise regularly, and eat only food that contains low-calorie.

#4. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly helps to boost your physical activity; improves your muscle strength and gives you the energy to tackle daily chores. It helps you stay healthy while trying to become anorexic.

#5. Take a stroll

Brisk walking has a lot of benefits:

  • reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack.
  • improves sleep quality.
  • reduces the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • protects against depression.
  • reduces the risk of bone fractures in old age.
  • helps fight stress.

#6. Drink a Lot of Water

Drinking a lot of Water increases satiety, boosts your metabolic rate, and helps you lose weight. Stay hydrated!

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia, also known as anorexia nervosa, is a metabolic disorder and eating disorder that causes excessive weight loss and extreme thinness brought on by self-starvation.

Despite being prevalent in women and girls in their adolescence. Any age, gender, race, or cultural background can develop anorexia. Extremely thin people are frequently assumed to be anorexic, and those who work or study in an industry that emphasizes lean physiques, such as dancers and athletes, are at extremely high risk.

Common indications and symptoms of anorexia include severe exercise regimens, skipping meals, persistent complaints about weight gain, refusal to eat in public, extreme thinness, and hiding thinness under layers of clothing.

bulimic Individuals are preoccupied with trying to change the size and shape of their bodies. Anorexia can affect men and women of any age, but it is most common in young women and usually starts in their mid-teens.

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Anorexia Nervosa Psychology Definition

Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a severe mental illness characterized by obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) over body image and weight, inability to maintain a normal weight, and severe worry about gaining weight or becoming fat.

In reality, anorexics require more than just food to sustain their appetite. When anorexia nervosa is not appropriately and promptly treated, it can lead to serious and potentially fatal conditions.

What causes Anorexia?

However, the actual cause of anorexia is unknown. Just like many disorders, it’s probably the combination of factors such as

  • psychological factors
  • biological factors
  • environmental factors.

Biological Factors

The genes that cause anorexia are not known to exist. Some people may be more susceptible to developing anorexia due to certain genetic changes. Anorexia is linked to a genetic predisposition in certain individuals to become flawless, sensitive, and persistent.

Psychological Factors

Individuals with anorexia nervosa frequently acquire obsessive-compulsive behaviors, which help them maintain rigid eating schedules and refuse food even when they are starving. They might have an intense obsession with perfection, leading them to feel as though they are never thin enough. Additionally, they might experience high levels of anxiety, so they restrict their food intake to help with it.

Environmental Factors

Peer pressure is a significant factor that can contribute to the desire to be thin, particularly in young girls.

Additional environmental factors include low self-esteem, an obsessive personality, being a perfectionist, being overly concerned with getting thin or experiencing anxiety, and receiving criticism for one’s eating habits, body type, or weight.

How Anorexia Starts

It’s unclear how anorexia initially develops, but having a parent or sibling who also has an eating disorder is one of the best ways to develop anorexia.

This is due to the apparent importance of genetics. However, studies are starting to identify the gene that causes anorexia and indicate that certain gene alterations increase a person’s risk of developing the disorder. Researchers studying genetics have discovered genes that link anorexia to unhealthy obsession disorders, anxiety, and depression.

Researchers have also learned that certain metabolism genes associated with fat burning, physical activity, and resistance to type 2 diabetes seem to integrate with those genes linked to psychiatric disorders. That combination seems to enhance the risk of being anorexic. Students who study Anatomy also learn about anorexics.

Symptoms Of Anorexia

Anorexia is characterized by a series of evident and concealed signs, however, could be very fatal and life-threatening. The symptoms can be:

  • Physical
  • Behavioral
  • Emotional.

Physical Symptoms

People suffering from anorexia tend to exhibit some physical symptoms which can be overwhelming and life-threatening. They include:

  • severe weight loss
  • constipation
  • dehydration
  • thinning and breaking hair
  • weakness and fatigue
  • dizziness and fainting
  • arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat
  • bluish tinge to the fingers
  • dry, pale skin
  • insomnia
  • inability to tolerate cold
  • downy hair on the body, arms, and face
  • amenorrhea, or lack of menstruation

Behavioral Symptoms

Some anorexic people may exhibit certain behavioral transitions even before physical symptoms are evident. This includes:

  • skipping meals
  • eating only food that is considered safe but is usually low-calorie.
  • talking bitterly about their body shape or size
  • adopting unusual eating habits
  • trying to hide their body with oversize clothes
  • social withdrawal may involve avoiding situations that could involve eating in front of other people
  • avoiding revealing their body.
  • extreme exercising which may last for long hours or is too intense.

Emotional symptoms

Individuals gradually becoming anorexic tend to show some Emotional signs which may heighten as the disorder progresses. They include:

  • Poor self-esteem and body image
  • Irritation, agitation, or other mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social isolation

Why Do People Become Anorexic?

Those who are anorexic typically restrict their food intake in an effort to maintain or lose weight. They may use laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, or enemas to control their calorie intake, or they may vomit right after eating. They might also try overdoing it when it comes to exercise to shed pounds. The person worries about gaining weight even if they lose a lot of weight.

However, anorexia is more prevalent in women and girls. But guys and men have been cultivating eating disorders more and more, maybe as a result of increased social pressure.

Also, Lots of People believe that Loss of appetite is the best way to become anorexic but most Teens are more at risk due to all the changes their bodies experience during puberty. They may also encounter increased peer pressure and be more sensitive to critique or even simple comments about weight or body shape.

Other Factors That Increase The Chances Of Becoming Anorexic

Becoming anorexic Is dependent on the following factors:

  • Genetic
  • Dieting and starvation
  • Transition

a. Genetics

Alterations in specific genes may put a specific set of people at higher risk of anorexia. Those with a relative who had the disorder have a much higher tendency to anorexia.

b. Dieting And Starvation

One of the risks of developing an eating disorder is dieting. There is compelling evidence that the majority of anorexia’s symptoms are actually caused by starvation. Starvation has an impact on the brain, mood swings, difficulty, and decreased desire.

In helpless people, starvation and weight loss can change how the brain works. This could make odd eating habits permanent and make it difficult to resume regular eating habits.

c. Transitions

It might be a new school, job, home, a relationship breakup, or the death or illness of a loved one. These changes can give rise to emotional anxiety and thus increase the chance of becoming anorexic.

How Long Does It Take To Become Anorexic?

Every individual who wishes to become anorexic will have different experiences. But anorexia usually takes several months to develop and can also linger for years if not treated.

Anorexia Vs Anorexia Nervosa

Due to the similarities in physical symptoms between anorexics and those with anorexia nervosa, people frequently confuse the two conditions. But there’s a huge difference between the two. What distinguishes anorexia from anorexia nervosa, then?

Psychological Difference

The general loss of appetite is referred to as anorexia. Contrary to popular belief, people with anorexia may not always be underweight because there are a variety of reasons why someone might not want to lose weight, such as not being particularly interested in food. Anorexia, for example, can be brought on by depression or medication side effects.

Furthermore, anorexia may be a symptom of a hidden medical condition. Individuals who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses like cancer are more likely to experience appetite loss.

Anorexia nervosa, on the other hand, is a psychological disorder characterized by one’s complete aversion to food. It is caused by an impaired perception of body image, which results in an intense fear of gaining weight.


Physically, anorexia nervosa presents as extremely low body weight. Patients with this disorder purposefully limit their food intake due to low self-esteem. To maintain their weight loss, they might also turn to other risky strategies like abusing laxatives and diuretics or throwing up right after eating.

The overall loss of appetite is known as anorexia. It isn’t always brought on by a desire to cut calories and get smaller. Rather, it describes a state in which an individual loses interest in food due to a variety of circumstances. Anorexia can be brought on by depression, an underlying medical condition, or a medication side effect.

Harmful practice

Unusual weight loss may or may not be a defining feature of anorexia. Conversely, individuals with anorexia nervosa frequently have dangerously low body weights.

In contrast to anorexics, anorexic nervosa sufferers occasionally turn to dangerous methods of weight loss in order to maintain their weight loss. To prevent gaining weight, they might overuse laxatives and diuretics or throw up after eating.


Treating the underlying cause of the patient’s appetite loss can help manage anorexia. Because anorexia nervosa necessitates a psychological care plan, treatment is more complicated. Serious complications may arise from anorexia nervosa if it is not managed in its early stages.


Anyone with anorexia nervosa may find some sense of fulfillment in becoming anorexic. But it can also be the result of a severe illness that needs medical attention right away. You must regularly exercise, skip meals, and consume only low-calorie foods if you want to develop anorexia.


What does anorexia mean?

It’s simply the general loss of appetite

Why do people become anorexic?

As a result of dissatisfaction with their body shape, size, or weight.

What do anorexic people eat?

They usually skip crucial meals such as breakfast and take more coffee.

Can anorexics be treated?

Yes, especially with the help of a psychology specialist

How long does it take to treat Anorexia?

It actually depends on each individual, but it takes years to overcome.


  • Akwaowo Akpan

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