These article is on easy trivia questions and answers. Here are some simple questions about movies, music, food, geography, and more that you can ask your family and friends during a trivia night.
Each question in our quiz has answers to help make the game night special. Take a quiz to check how much you know about various subjects and see if you can answer the questions correctly.:
Easy Trivia Questions
Trivia Question: What is the world’s longest river called?
Answer: The Nile
Trivia Question: Which city hosted the Summer Olympics in 2012
Answer: London, England
Trivia Question: Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
Answer: Australia
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Trivia Question: In Greek Mythology, who is the Queen of the Underworld and wife of Hades?
Answer: Persephone
Trivia Question: Which house was Harry Potter almost sorted into?
Answer: Slytherin
Trivia Question: Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the US?
Answer: France
Trivia Question: What was the name of the Robin Williams film where he dresses up as an elderly British nanny?
Answer: Mrs. Doubtfire
Trivia Question: What is the rarest blood type?
Answer: AB-Negative
Trivia Question: What sport does Cristiano Ronaldo play?
Answer: Soccer/football
Trivia Question: How many bones are there in the human body?
Answer: 206
Trivia Question: What is the name of the longest river in South America?
Answer: Amazon River
Trivia Question: What is the name of the musical artist who sings the song “Watermelon Sugar”?
Answer: Harry Styles
Trivia Question: What does Na stand for on the periodic table?
Answer: Sodium
Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor who played Jack in Titanic?
Answer: Leonardo DiCaprio
Trivia Question: How many points are a touchdown worth?
Answer: 6
Trivia Question: In which Disney movie is the villain Clayton from?
Answer: Tarzan
Read Also: The Skin Deep Questions PDF-Read, Print and Download 2023
Trivia Question: In which ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known for peaches?
Answer: Georgia
Trivia Question: What is the French name for Santa Claus?
Answer: Pere Noel
Trivia Question: Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
Answer: Gotham City
Trivia Question: How many feet are in a mile?
Answer: 5, 280 feet
Trivia Question: Which planet is closest to Earth?
Answer: Venus
Trivia Question: Steve Harvey is a game show host. What’s that show called?
Answer: Family Feud
Trivia Question: The movie Ladybird takes place in which city in California?
Answer: Sacramento
Trivia Question: Who was the pretty woman in the 1990 film?
Answer: Julia Roberts
Trivia Question: Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were in a band. What was it called?
Answer: One Direction
Trivia Question: Who is the author of the Harry Potter series?
Answer: J.K. Rowling
Trivia Question: What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?
Answer: Millennium Falcon
Trivia Question: Which company uses Santa Claus for their advertisements?
Answer: Coca Cola
Read Also: The Skin Deep Questions PDF-Read, Print and Download 2023
Trivia Question: “Keep Calm and Carry On” is the slogan of which nation?
Answer: Britain
Trivia Question: What is the name of the character that Johnny Depp plays in Pirates of the Caribbean?
Answer: Captain Jack Sparrow
Trivia Question: Fe is the chemical symbol for which element?
Answer: Iron
Trivia Question: What was the name of One Direction’s first official single in 2011?
Answer: “What Makes You Beautiful”
Trivia Question: Where is the Oval Office located in the White House?
Answer: In the West Wing
Trivia Question: Which bird is often associated with delivering babies?
Answer: A stork
Trivia Question: In the Disney movie Pocahontas, she has 2 animal friends: a raccoon and a hummingbird. What is the name of the raccoon?
Answer: Meeko
Trivia Question: This place is known as the City of Brotherly Love. What is this city called?
Answer: Philadelphia, PA.
Trivia Question: What temperature (in Fahrenheit) does water freeze at?
Answer: 32 degrees
Trivia Question: In the US version of The Office, what is the name of the city they live in?
Answer: Scranton, PA
Trivia Question: How old do you have to be to enter the Hunger Games drawing?
Answer: 12 years old
Trivia Question: How many players are there on a baseball team?
Answer: 9
Trivia Question: Which country occupies half of South America’s western coast?
Answer: Chile
Trivia Question: What group of animals is known as a “flamboyance”? Answer: Flamingos
Trivia Question: Which musical artist is known for her song “Big Girls Don’t Cry”?
Answer: Fergie
Trivia Question: Jim Carrey stars in this 2000 Christmas movie about Whos in Whoville. What’s the movie called?
Answer: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known as “America’s Dairyland”?
Answer: Wisconsin
Trivia Question: What is hummus made from?
Answer: Chickpeas
Trivia Question: What is the name of the 1993 movie about dinosaurs?
Answer: Jurassic Park
Trivia Question: Who wrote the classic horror book It?
Answer: Stephen King
Trivia Question: What language is the most popularly spoken worldwide?
Answer: Chinese
Trivia Question: What has a gravitational pull so strong that light cannot even escape it?
Answer: A black hole
Trivia Question: What vegetable is known to help you see in the dark?
Answer: Carrot
Trivia Question: What is the date of “The Devils Night”?
Answer: October 30th
Trivia Question: Gossip Girl was filmed in which neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan?
Answer: Upper East Side
Trivia Question: In the movie Good Will Hunting, what college does Skylar attend?
Answer: Harvard
Trivia Question: What is the scientific name of the process where plants prepare their food?
Answer: Photosynthesis
Trivia Question: What is Harriet Tubman known for?
Answer: Leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad
Trivia Question: What city is known as the City of Love?
Answer: Paris
Trivia Question: Which U.S. State is the largest?
Answer: Alaska
Trivia Question: Who was the winner of American Idol season 1 in 2002?
Answer: Kelly Clarkson
Trivia Question: How many days are in a leap year?
Answer: 366
Trivia Question: What food does Popeye like to eat?
Answer: Spinach
Trivia Question: What is the name of Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy?
Answer: Macbeth
Trivia Question: Which astrological sign’s symbol is a crab?
Answer: Cancer
Trivia Question: Which band sings the popular ’80’s song “Every Breath You Take”?
Answer: The Police
Trivia Question: Quebec is a province in Canada. What language do they speak there?
Answer: French
Trivia Question: What is the symbol that represents St. Patrick’s Day?
Answer: Shamrock (a 4-leaf clover)
Trivia Question: What happened during the years 1939-1945?
Answer: World War II
Trivia Question: What year did Barbie come out?
Answer: 1959
Trivia Question: Where in California is Disneyland located?
Answer: Anaheim
Trivia Question: Which U.S. State is known as the “Sunflower State”?
Answer: Kansas
Trivia Question: “I see dead people” is a line from which horror film?
Answer: The Sixth Sense
Trivia Question: Who sings the song “Born in the USA”?
Answer: Bruce Springsteen
Trivia Question: Where do the Mamma Mia movies take place?
Answer: Greece
Trivia Question: In the Pixar movie Cars, Lightning McQueen ends up in Radiator Springs and befriends a tow truck. What’s that tow truck’s name?
Answer: Mater
Trivia Question: What is the legend of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens?
Answer: It’s the home of the Jersey Devil
Trivia Question: Who founded Microsoft?
Answer: Bill Gates
Trivia Question: What are the names of the 3 Curtis brothers in The Outsiders?
Answer: Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darrel
Trivia Question: Where is the world’s largest active volcano located?
Answer: Hawaii
Trivia Question: Who wrote and published the novel The Metamorphosis?
Answer: Franz Kafka
Trivia Question: What was the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?
Answer: Hedwig
Trivia Question: What plant is known to help heal a sunburn?
Answer: Aloe
Trivia Question: What are the 3 primary colors?
Answer: Red, yellow, blue
Trivia Question: What was Bruce Banner exposed to that turned him into the Hulk?
Answer: Gamma Radiation
Trivia Question: Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong
Trivia Question: What is the #1 cookie in the United States?
Answer: Oreo
Trivia Question: What are the names of the three fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty?
Answer: Flora, Fauna, Merryweather
Trivia Question: In the TV show Friends, what is Joey Tribbiani’s famous line?
Answer: “How you doin’?”
Trivia Question: How many hearts does an octopus have?
Answer: 3
Trivia Question: What is the name of the author who wrote The Great Gatsby?
Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Trivia Question: Which band of brothers came back together in 2019?
Answer: The Jonas Brothers
Trivia Question: What flower is most gifted on Valentine’s Day?
Answer: Red roses
Trivia Question: How many planets are in our solar system? (Including Pluto!)
Answer: 9
Trivia Question: What is the name of the social media platform that came out in 2003?
Answer: Myspace
Trivia Question: What do you call a geometric space with 5 sides?
Answer: Pentagon
Trivia Question: Which actor played the prince of Bel-Air?
Answer: Will Smith
Trivia Question: Who built the Great Wall of China?
Answer: The Qin Dynasty
Trivia Question: Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, is known for wearing a black ___?
Answer: Turtleneck
Trivia Question: In the movie Grease, where do Sandy and Danny meet for the first time?
Answer: The beach
Trivia Question: Michael Phelps is an Olympic athlete known for this sport?
Answer: Swimming
Trivia Question: George Harrison was a member of which famous band?
Answer: The Beatles
Trivia Question: Which country hosted the first Olympic Games in 1896?
Answer: Greece
Trivia Question: What is the Disney Channel show starring Miley Cyrus as a pop star?
Answer: Hannah Montana
Trivia Question: What is Harry Houdini known for?
Answer: Magic/illusion
Trivia Question: What show has the witty mother-daughter duo Lorelai and Rory?
Answer: Gilmore Girls
Trivia Question: The Scarlet Letter was a novel written by who?
Answer: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Trivia Question: In what year was the first iPhone released?
Answer: 2007
Trivia Question: What is the name of the worldly event where you can look at the sun only wearing these special glasses?
Answer: Solar Eclipse
Trivia Question: Which Disney princess wears a yellow dress?
Answer: Belle
Trivia Question: Where does Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest take place?
Answer: Coney Island, NY
Trivia Question: In Disney’s The Lion King, what was Simba’s father’s name?
Answer: Mufasa
Trivia Question: What was the basketball team that Kobe Bryant played on?
Answer: L.A. Lakers
Trivia Question: Which fast food restaurant is known for its Big Macs?
Answer: McDonald’s
Trivia Question: Which jazz singer sings the song “What A Wonderful World”?
Answer: Louis Armstrong
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the song that Friends’ Phoebe Buffay known for?
Answer: “Smelly Cat”
Trivia Question: Which planet in our solar system is the largest?
Answer: Jupiter
Trivia Question: Which actress stars in Hocus Pocus as Winifred?
Answer: Bette Midler
Trivia Question: Why did the Titanic sink?
Answer: It hit an iceberg
Trivia Question: How many signs are there in the Zodiac?
Answer: 12
Trivia Question: What is New York City also referred to as? (Hint: red)
Answer: The Big Apple
Trivia Question: Who was the author of the novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?
Answer: C.S. Lewis
Trivia Question: Anne Frank and her family hid in an attic during WWII. In which city was their hiding place?
Answer: Amsterdam
Trivia Question: At what age did Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix die?
Answer: 27
Trivia Question: Which musician starred in The Hunger Games movie series?
Answer: Lenny Kravitz
Trivia Question: How many reindeer does Santa have?
Answer: 8
Trivia Question: Tiger Woods is known for which sport?
Answer: Golf
Trivia Question: In the TV show Friends, what hangs on the back of the door in Monica’s apartment?
Answer: A yellow picture frame
Trivia Question: In which U.S. state is Are 51 located?
Answer: Nevada
Trivia Question: What blonde-haired singer sings the song “You Belong With Me”?
Answer: Taylor Swift
Trivia Question: Which two planets in our solar system are known as “ice giants”?
Answer: Neptune and Uranus
Trivia Question: In what 1939 movie are there flying monkeys?
Answer: The Wizard of Oz
Trivia Question: Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie are a part of which family?
Answer: Kardashians
Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest ocean in the world?
Answer: Pacific
Trivia Question: Which English musician sings most of the songs on the Tarzan soundtrack?
Answer: Phil Collins
Trivia Question: Which country is Prague in?
Answer: Czech Republic
Trivia Question: What is it called when birds fly south (warmer climates) for the winter?
Answer: Migration
Trivia Question: In the U.S. version of The Office, there’s a couple that everyone loves. What are their names?
Answer: Jim and Pam
Trivia Question: Which planet in our solar system is the hottest?
Answer: Venus
Trivia Question: What is the name of the actress in Breakfast At Tiffany’s?
Answer: Audrey Hepburn
Trivia Question: Which poet wrote the iconic poem “The Raven”?
Answer: Edgar Allen Poe
Trivia Question: What is the French word for a woman?
Answer: “Femme”
Trivia Question: Who wrote the novel Slaughterhouse-Five?
Answer: Kurt Vonnegut
Trivia Question: The American football team Kansas City Chiefs are based in which state?
Answer: Missouri
Trivia Question: What is the name of the movie starring Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer?
Answer: Call Me By Your Name
Trivia Question: To be a universal donor, what does your blood type have to be?
Answer: O
Trivia Question: How many ribs are in a human body?
Answer: 24
Trivia Question: What are the names of Harry Potter’s two best friends?
Answer: Hermione and Ron
Trivia Question: Which famous artist painted the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci
Trivia Question: What 2012 dramatic musical do Hugh Jackson and Russel Crowe star in together?
Answer: Les Miserables
Trivia Question: Who is Wile E Coyote always trying to catch?
Answer: Road Runner
Trivia Question: What animal is Bambi?
Answer: A deer
Trivia Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger was once the governor of which U.S. State?
Answer: California
Trivia Question: Which actress played identical twins in the 1998 movie The Parent Trap?
Answer: Lindsay Lohan
Trivia Question: Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Answer: Abe Lincoln
Trivia Question: What are the colors of the Italian flag?
Answer: Red, white, and green
Trivia Question: What popular candy was featured in the movie E.T.?
Answer: Reese’s Pieces
Trivia Question: The Netflix series Stranger Things takes place in what decade?
Answer: the 80’s
Trivia Question: Who said that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”?
Answer: Mary Poppins
Trivia Question: Where did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place?
Answer: Honolulu, Hawaii
Trivia Question: What is Sodium Chloride referred to as?
Answer: Salt
Trivia Question: What is the high school’s name in Grease that the Pink Ladies and T-Birds attend?
Answer: Rydell High
Trivia Question: Which country is known to consume the most chocolate?
Answer: Switzerland
Trivia Question: In what year was the Declaration of Independence created?
Answer: 1776
Trivia Question: Who was known to “float like a butterfly”?
Answer: Muhammad Ali
Trivia Question: What early 2000’s movie did Anne Hathaway and Mandy Moore star in?
Answer: The Princess Diaries
Trivia Question: Who was the U.S. President during the 9/11 attacks?
Answer: George W. Bush
Trivia Question: Who painted the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel?
Answer: Michelangelo
Trivia Question: In which year was Obama elected President?
Answer: 2008
Trivia Question: What breed of dog is commonly known as a “firehouse dog”?
Answer: Dalmatian
Trivia Question: What is the Loch Ness Monster’s nickname?
Answer: “Nessie”
Trivia Question: In which U.S. state was the Hershey Company founded?
Answer: Pennsylvania
Trivia Question: Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper star in this 208 film… what’s it called?
Answer: A Star Is Born
Trivia Question: In the iconic Halloween film Hocus Pocus, Winifred, Sarah, and Mary, sing what song on stage?
Answer: “I Put A Spell On You”
Trivia Question: What does the “E” stand for in “Chuck E. Cheese”?
Answer: Entertainment
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the company that published the Mario Kart video game?
Answer: Nintendo
Trivia Question: What makes up the Powerpuff Girls Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup?
Answer: Sugar, spice, and everything nice
Trivia Question: Who is known for her album Lemonade?
Answer: Beyonce
Trivia Question: Which actor voiced Barry B. Benson in The Bee Movie?
Answer: Jerry Seinfeld
Trivia Question: Who assassinated Abe Lincoln?
Answer: John Wilkes Booth
Trivia Question: What is the name of the host of The Bachelor franchise?
Answer: Chris Harrison
Trivia Question: The 1986 John Hughes film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was filmed in which city?
Answer: Chicago
Trivia Question: Where is the Golden Gate Bridge located?
Answer: San Francisco, CA
Trivia Question: When do Brits celebrate Mother’s Day?
Answer: Either March or April
Trivia Question: In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?
Answer: World Wide Web
Trivia Question: Which country has a red flag with a star in the middle?
Answer: Morocco
Trivia Question: In Greek mythology, who had snakes for hair and could turn people into stone if they looked at her?
Answer: Medusa
Trivia Question: Where was the Dev Patel film Lion filmed?
Answer: India
Trivia Question: There are four houses at Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and….?
Answer: Hufflepuff
Trivia Question: Who founded Kodak and the first camera?
Answer: George Eastman
Trivia Question: In Annie, what is the name of her dog?
Answer: Sandy
Trivia Question: In which state did the Salem Witch Trials take place?
Answer: Massachusetts
Trivia Question: Lily Collins is the daughter of which English musician?
Answer: Phil Collins
Trivia Question: How many stars are there on the American flag?
Answer: 50
Trivia Question: What is the name of the main vampire that Bella falls in love with in the movie Twilight?
Answer: Edward Cullen
Trivia Question: What is the name of the tallest building in New York City?
Answer: One World Trade Center
Trivia Question: Quasimodo is a fictional character from which novel/movie?
Answer: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Trivia Question: What does UFO stand for?
Answer: Unidentified Flying Object
Trivia Question: What is the name of the redheaded mermaid in The Little Mermaid?
Answer: Ariel
Trivia Question: What is the name of the first woman pilot to fly across the Atlantic ocean?
Answer: Amelia Earhart
Trivia Question: What does the Roman Numeral “X” stand for?
Answer: 10
Trivia Question: Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson were judges on which singing TV competition?
Answer: American Idol
Trivia Question: What kind of alcohol is made from grapes?
Answer: Wine
Trivia Question: What are the colors of the Blockbuster movie rental logo?
Answer: blue, yellow, white
Trivia Question: Which ocean trench is known to be the deepest?
Answer: Mariana’s Trench
Trivia Question: Kung Fu was originated from which country?
Answer: China
Trivia Question: What boyband sings the song “I Want It That Way”?
Answer: Backstreet Boys
Trivia Question: What is the name of the current CBS show about a group of friends who are scientists?
Answer: The Big Bang Theory
Trivia Question: In which country is Timbuktu located?
Answer: Africa
Trivia Question: In what Disney movie do the characters sing “Tale As Old As Time”?
Answer: Beauty and the Beast
Trivia Question: Danny, Joey, Jesse, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle are characters on what ‘90s show?
Answer: Full House
Trivia Question: What is the name of the city that Spongebob Squarepants lives in?
Answer: Bikini Bottom
Trivia Question: What band sings the famous song “Wake Me Up When September Ends”?
Answer: Green Day
Trivia Question: Who was the villain in 101 Dalmatians?
Answer: Cruella de Vil
Trivia Question: Which musical artist sings the iconic song “Hit Me Baby (One More Time)”?
Answer: Britney Spears
Trivia Question: What is the name of the talented pop singer who dated Mac Miller and Pete Davidson?
Answer: Ariana Grande
Trivia Question: Where in the United States is the original Coca Cola factory located?
Answer: Atlanta, GA
Trivia Question: Where is Saturday Night Live filmed?
Answer: New York City
Trivia Question: Justin Timberlake was a part of which boyband?
Answer: NYSNC
Trivia Question: Who is the talk show host with the Carpool Karaoke sketch?
Answer: James Corden
Trivia Question: What is the typical color of bubblegum?
Answer: Pink
Trivia Question: What is the company Campbells known for?
Answer: Soup
Trivia Question: Which young Jedi Knight becomes Darth Vader in Star Wars?
Answer: Anakin Skywalker
Trivia Question: What was the name of the early 2000’s Cartoon Network show about imaginary friends?
Answer: Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
Trivia Question: “Summertime Sadness” is sung by which female American singer-songwriter?
Answer: Lana Del Rey
Trivia Question: What does Folgers sell?
Answer: Coffee
Trivia Question: What is the largest desert in the world?
Answer: The Sahara Desert
Trivia Question: What is the popular music festival hosted every year in California?
Answer: Coachella
Trivia Question: What animal is known for showing off its colorful tail?
Answer: The peacock
Trivia Question: What colors make purple?
Answer: Red and blue
Trivia Question: Who is the fastest runner in the world?
Answer: Usain Bolt
Trivia Question: Meteorology is the study of…?
Answer: The weather
Trivia Question: Which Disney princess had 7 dwarfs as friends?
Answer: Snow White
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known as the “Sunshine State”?
Answer: Florida
Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color?
Answer: Brown
Trivia Question: Before it was called Freeform, this TV channel was called…?
Answer: ABC Family
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Answer: Strawberries
Trivia Question: Which Kardashian has Travis Scott dated?
Answer: Kylie
Trivia Question: What was the name of the movie that Will and Jaden Smith appeared in together?
Answer: The Pursuit of Happiness
Trivia Question: Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?
Answer: A horse
Trivia Question: This 2003 film follows the story of Mark Zuckerberg and how he founded Facebook. What was the movie called?
Answer: The Social Network
Trivia Question: In Aladdin, what’s the name of the song that he and Jasmine sing on the magic carpet?
Answer: “A Whole New World”
Trivia Question: There is a sea located between Israel and Jordan. What’s it called?
Answer: Dead Sea
Trivia Question: What was the name of the princess who died in a car accident in 1997?
Answer: Princess Diana
Trivia Question: What kind of alcohol is Russia known for?
Answer: Vodka
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