Here are some challenging 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers. This Hard Bible Trivia Questions and Answers are designed for small groups (friends and family) and personal Bible studies, even for schools too. It’s amazing.
The Bible is the most read book in history and is considered sacred by Christians. It covers several historical occurrences that go back more than 3,000 years ago, amazing. Additionally, it includes messages from numerous apostles of Jesus Christ, God, and ancient prophets.
The bible must be understood by both adults and children because it includes prehistoric recordings and is crucial to Christians learning in these days.
Due to the numerous outside distractions, it is simple to forget the facts; therefore, we have prepared these challenging 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers for you to review and learn more, it will be amazing to read to the end.
If you believe you are knowledgeable about the Bible, we encourage you to test your understanding by responding to the more than 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers in this great article.
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It’s also a great opportunity for Christians to study the bible and comprehend it so they can share it with others. The challenging trivia from the Bible is meant to be used in both group (friends and family) and solitary bible study. It can be used in Sunday school to further explain and teach children about the Christian religion.
The challenging 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers solutions aren’t just for Christians or churches; even if you’re just curious about the bible and the Christian faith, you’ll benefit from them.
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If you’re thinking about going into the ministry or doing humanitarian work, you can also use it to study. By using them as a quiz, you might also utilize them to inspire and instruct participants in bible study or Sunday school classes.
250 hard bible trivia questions and answers might not even make sense to you if you are new to this Christian-biblical business. Therefore, we have provided solutions to some of the questions that may confound you below for the sake of clarity and to motivate you to study more:
What are 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers?
250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers are questions or pieces of information from the Bible that are thought to be of little significance yet actually include obscure facts.
Are bible questions hard?
Bible quizzes frequently range in difficulty from simple to moderate for kids and teenagers to difficult for adults. If you’re just beginning to learn about and comprehend Christianity, you might want to start at the beginning and work your way up to gain the essential background knowledge.
Stick to the difficulty level specified if you are already a member of the faith, but if not, you may always strive harder or put your knowledge to the test by selecting a level higher than yours.
Thus, your level of Christian knowledge and the difficulty of the biblical questions you choose to learn will determine whether or not you find them challenging.
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How do I create 250 hardest bible trivia questions and answers?
You must first become familiar with the bible before conducting study to identify trivia questions and developing responses to them. Since you’ll need to scribble down the trivia questions and their answers, you’ll need a notepad for this.
The main goal of creating bible trivia questions and answers is for people to benefit from them, thus you should print it out or submit it to your blog, if you have one, after that.
It’s time to go to work now that we have cleared up any remaining questions and concerns. Finding out the solutions to the challenging trivia questions and how they can help you advance your knowledge and spiritually.
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250 Hardest bible trivia questions and answers
The following are the compiled over 250 hard bible trivia questions and answers, go on, test your biblical knowledge.
Question: How many baskets were leftover after Jesus fed the 5,000
Answer: 12
Question: The high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial, what was his name
Answer: Caiaphas
Question: According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ first public sermon happened where?
Answr: On the mount
Question: Who were the first apostles Jesus called to follow him?
Answer: Peter and Andrew
Question: Paul is from what tribe?
Answer: Benjamin
Question: How many people entered Noah’s ark?
Answer: Eight
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Question: What did Joshua command to stay still?
Answer: The sun and the moon
Question: Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Answer: Cyrus.
Question: How many plagues are in Exodus?
Answer: 10
Question: What is the longest chapter of the bible?
Answer: Psalm 119
Question: The first murderer in the bible is who?
Answer: Cain
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Question: Which place is called “Zion” and “the city of David”
Answer: Jerusalem
Question: Who took Judas Iscariot’s place as a disciple?
Answer: Matthias
Question: What area of Palestine did the tribe of Judah lived after the exile?
Answer: Judea
Question: Jesus rose from the dead on what day?
Answer: Third day
Question: Which group was the ruling council of the Jews that plotted Jesus’ death?
Answer: The Sanhedrin
Question: How many sections and divisions does the bible have?
Answer: 8
Question: Which two rivers border Eden in modern-day Iraq?
Answer: Tigress and Euphrates
Question: The Trinity was revealed when?
Answer: At Jesus’ baptism
Question: Moses received the commandments at which mountain
Answer: Mount Sinai
Question: Jesus’ meeting of a woman at Jacob’s well was in which town?
Answer: Sychar
Question: Who crafted an idol for the Israelites to worship while Moses was away?
Answer: Aaron
Question: What idol did Aaron craft for the Israelites to worship
Answer: The Golden Calf
Question: Apostle Paul wrote how many books?
Answer: 13
Question: How was Jezebel killed?
Answer: Thrown out of her window
Question: Ahab had how many sons in Samaria?
Answer: 70
Question: Sarah, the wife of Abraham, lived how many years?
Answer: 127
Question: What is the name of the well Abraham and Abimelech fought over?
Answer: Beersheba
Question: In the Song of Songs, how much is the bride’s dowry?
Answer: 1,000 silver pieces
Question: Paul was warned of the plot against him by who?
Answer: His nephew
Question: What is the name of David’s chief counselor
Answer: Ahithophel
Question: Who was the queen that crowned Esther as queen?
Answer: Ahasuerus
Question: To create the plague of frogs, who stretched his rod over the waters of Egypt?
Answer: Aaron
Question: What are the names of the three sons of Adam and Eve?
Answer: Cain, Abel, and Seth
Question: What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
Answer: A rainbow
Question: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
Answer: A burning bush.
Question: What is the bible’s shortest verse?
Answer: Jesus wept – John 11:35
Question: Jesus rose back to life on which day of the week?
Answer: Sunday
Question: Did Jesus write any book directly
Answer: No
Question: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
Answer: Build a tower to reach Heaven
Question: How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?
Answer: Four
Question: Is Jesus’s sister ever named in the Bible?
Answer: No.
Question: Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?
Answer: John the Baptist
Question: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
Answer: Philistines.
Question: What happened to the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?
Answer: It fell over and broke
Question: Name one of Jesus’s brothers.
Answer: James, Joseph, Simon, or Judas
Question: David wrote the entire book of Psalms. True or False
Answer: False. The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.
Question: In what language was most of the Old Testament given?
Answer: Hebrew.
Question: In what language was most of the New Testament given?
Answer: Greek.
Question: Which human author wrote the most books?
Answer: Paul wrote 13 books.
Question: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?
Answer: Moses wrote 125,139 words.
Question: What was most likely the first Gospel written?
Answer: Mark.
Question: Who were Noah’s three sons?
Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth.
Question: What was the name of Abram’s handmaid?
Answer: Hagar.
Question: When the Israelites were in the desert hungry, what did God send to feed them?
Answer: Quail and manna.
Question: The spies sent into the land of Canaan, what did they see that made them scared?
Answer: Giants
Question: Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?
Answer: Joshua and Caleb
Question: King Solomon wrote which books of the bible?
Answer: Songs of Solomon, Proverbs, and some Psalms
Question: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing as God said to?
Answer: The king, Agag.
Question: Which books of the Bible record all the kings?
Answer: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles
Question: How many kings of Judah were there?
Answer: 20
Question: How many kings of Israel were there?
Answer: 19.
Question: Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?
Answer: The Babylonians.
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1. God Sent Moses to Pharoah
This free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf is found in Exodus 8, when God instructed Moses to go and tell Pharoah to let his people go so that they may worship him and God said if he refused, he will send frog and plague into the land of Egypt even the nile will teem with frogs too.

2. Joseph and His Brothers
Jacob had 12 son’s which Joseph was among the twelve son’s. Jacob loves Joseph more than his other son’s. His father gave him a coloured cloak. After the gift by his father, his brothers were jealous of him and they sold him to slavery in the land of Egypt and eventually he became Potiphar’s steward, one of Pharoahs official. This is also free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.

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3. Sampson and Delilah
Sampson was the strongest man in the bible. He fell in a romantic relationship with Delilah who was from Philippines. She was offered money to betray and kill Sampson after Sampson eventually revealed the secrets of his power to Delilah. She took advantage of Sampson and betrayed him to his enemies. This is yet another free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.

4. The Story of Adam and Eve
The old testament tell us about Adam and Eve our first father and mother ( our progenitors). They lived in the Garden of Eden until sin caught of with them because they listened to Satan and disobeyed God to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. They were banished from the beautiful Garden of Eden because of disobedience. This is another free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.

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5. The Story of Jesus Christ
The Bible let us to know that Jesus Christ was conceived by the holy Spirit and was born by a virgin Called Mary. He performed miracles, founded the Christian Church and also died for our sins, after the third day he rose from the grave and ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us. This is yet another free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.

6. The Story of Esau and Jacob
When the time came for Isaac to die, Jacob with Rebekahs help cheated Esau out of his father’s blessings. Esau would have killed Jacob, but he fled. When he came back 20 years later, Esau forgave him. This story reflex relationship of Israel and Edom.

7. Kane and Abel
In Genesis, Abel was a Shepherd, he offered the Lord the firstborn of his flock. The Lord respected Abel’s sacrifice but did not receive he sacrifice of Cain. Cain out of Jealousy killed Abel. Cain then became fugitive because his brothers innocent blood put a curse on him. This is a free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.

8. Story of Noah and the Ark
God commanded Noah to build an ark in which his family and every living things in two’s were save from the great flood. The flood destroyed all the wicked people and all creatures that lived on the land, except those in the ark. This is another free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.
9. God Destroyed the Tower of Babel.
Genesis 11:1-9 taught us about the construction which was an attempt to explain how different languages came to pass. The people wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and tower with it’s aimed to see God. God scattered the work by confusing the language of the workers.
10. David and Goliath
It is the most celebrated tales of the old testament. This story talks about how David killed Goliath as powerful as he was. This is another free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.
11. Jonah and the Whale
Jonah was being serve from the water by a big whale God sent. Jonah refused God order. Jonah live for complete 3 days inside the belly of the great whale and lastly was vomited out on a dry land to go on his prophetic mission God sent him. This is another free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers PDF.
12. The Raising of Lazarus
In John 11:1-44 was the raising of Lazarus the friend of Jesus from the death, this was one of the miracle that Jesus Christ did. Lazarus died four days before Jesus Christ raised him from the dead. This is another free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf.
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Question: Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?
Answer: King Nebuchadnezzar’s.
Question: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?
Answer: Darius
Question: What were the names of Daniel’s three friends
Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
Question: When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?
Answer: Into a fiery furnace.
Question: What was the name of the demon Jesus cast out of a man in the Gerasenes?
Answer: Legion.
Question: How many people saw Jesus after he came back from the dead?
Answer: Over 500 people
Question: What was Paul’s other name?
Answer: Saul of Tarsus
Question: While on the road to Gaza, an apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian officer what is the apostle’s name?
Answer: Philip.
Question: Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead. True or False?
Answer: True.
Question: Where did Peter stay during his ministry in the city of Joppa?
Answer: In the house of Simon the tanner.
Question: What did Peter’s vision about the unclean animals mean?
Answer: That all people can be made clean through Jesus.
Question: Which two birds did Noah send out of the ark as messengers?
Answer: Raven and dove
Question: Lebanon was popular for which kind of tree?
Answer: Cedar tree
Question: In what manner did Stephen die?
Answer: He was stoned to death
Question: What illness was Mephibosheth suffering from?
Answer: He was lame
Question: The names of Abraham’s brothers were?
Answer: Haran and Nahor
Question: At the time of Jesus’ birth, which roman was in charge of cultivation at Syria?
Answer: Cyrenius
Question: Apostle Paul on the Areopagus or the execution of Jacob, which happened first?
Answer: The execution of Jacob
Question: Who was Bernice
Answer: The wife of King Agrippa
Question: What was the name of Priscilla’s husband?
Answer: Aquilla
Question: What was Aquilla’s job?
Answer: He was a tentmaker
Question: The goddess of Ephesus who was worshiped the most, what was her name?
Answer: Diana
Question: Who was Ahasveros?
Answer: A Persian kind, Xerxes 1
Question: What was the name of the great-grandson of Boa?
Answer: David
Question: What is the name of Moses’ wife
Answer: Zipporah
Question: Timotheus grandmother was called?
Answer: Lois
Question: What does Jahwe-Schammah mean?
Answer: God himself/Ezekiel 48,35
Question: When was the Passover feast celebrated?
Answer: The 14th day of the first month
Question: Where did Jacob call the place he fought God?
Answer: Pniel
Question: Peter’s first letter was addressed to who?
Answer: Dispersed strangers
Question: What was the name of Job’s mother?
Answer: Zeruja
Question: Ezra had what job position in Israel?
Answer: Land cultivator
Question: What were the two columns called on the temple built by Solomon?
Answer: Jakin and Boas
Question: Paul left his coat where?
Answer: He left it in Troas, Carpus.
Question: What was shown on the high priest’s headband?
Answer: Holiness of Jahwe
Question: How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem?
Answer: 14 years
Question: What spirit possessed the girl in Philippi
Answer: A python spirit
Question: Where can the 10 commandments be found in the Bible?
Answer: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5
Question: What are the nine (9) fruits of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
Question: Where in the bible can you find the Lord’s prayer?
Answer: Matthew 6
Question: Who went with Paul on his early missionary journey?
Answer: Barnabas
Question: What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?
Answer: Rahab
Question: What reward did Jesus say the twelve apostles would get for leaving everything and following him?
Answer: He said they’d sit in twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel
Question: After Solomon’s rule, what happened to the kingdom?
Answer: It split into two
Question: What tribe of Israel received no inheritance of the land
Answer: The tribe of Levites
Question: Who was Abraham’s nephew?
Answer: Lot
Question: Which missionary was described as having known the holy scriptures from an early age?
Answer: Timothy
Question: Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?
Answer: Tychicus
Question: Before King Nebuchadnezzar was restored as king, what happened to him?
Answer: He went mad and lived as a beast
Question: Who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus’ death?
Answer: Annas
Question: What did Melchizedek give to Abram?
Answer: Bread and wine
Question: According to the Gospels, which literary genre does Jesus implement to help preach his message?
Answer: The parable
Question: How does Judas notify the Roman Officials of Jesus’ identity?
Answer: Judas kisses Jesus
Question: What are the two tribes not named after the sons of Jacob?
Answer: Manasseh and Ephraim
Question: Who requested the body of Jesus for burial?
Question: How did Samson die?
Answer: Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines.
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
Question: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the Apostles about their offering. True or False?
Answer: True
Question: How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles to distribute food to widows?
Answer: Seven.
Question: Jesus would sometimes “spit” as part of his healing miracles. True or False?
Answer: True. The Bible describes him spitting three times.
Question: How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
Answer: Four days.
Question: Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and the disciple’s ministry?
Answer: Several women who Jesus had healed.
Question: What was John the Baptist’s cloth made out of?
Answer: Camel’s hair
Question: Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?
Answer: Nehemiah
Question: An Israelite saved her people from being murdered and became the wife of a king, what was her name?
Answer: Esther
Question: How did Esther get to talk to the king?
Answer: Went in to talk without being summoned first.
Question: Who was David’s son that started a rebellion against him?
Answer: Absalom.
Question: David abandoned what city?
Answer: Jerusalem.
Question: When David and Absalom’s armies battled, what happened to Absalom’s hair?
Answer: It got caught in a tree.
Question: Absalom was killed by who?
Answer: Joab.
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Question: Because he killed Absalom, how was Joab punished?
Answer: He got demoted as captain.
Question: What was David’s second sin recorded in the Bible?
Answer: He took a census of the people in his nation.
Question: Who anointed Saul as King?
Answer: Samuel.
Question: What is the first commandment?
Answer: “You shall have no other gods before me.”
Question: What is the second commandment?
Answer: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image”; Thou shall not make idols.
Question: What is the third commandment?
Answer: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
Question: What is the fourth commandment?
Answer: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
Question: What is the fifth commandment?
Answer: “Honor thy mother and father.”
Question: What is the sixth commandment?
Answer: “Thou shalt not kill.”
Question: What is the seventh commandment?
Answer: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
Question: What is the eighth commandment?
Answer: “Thou shalt not steal.”
Question: What is the ninth commandment?
Answer: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
Question: What is the tenth commandment?
Answer: “Thou shalt not covet.”
Question: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God, what did he do?
Answer: Made the sacrifice.
Question: Which group of people is righteous enough to inherit the Kingdom of God?
Answer: The Gentiles
Question: Which insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
Answer: Locusts
Question: The Book of Revelation is written by who?
Answer: John
Question: Who worked as a tax collector before preaching the word of God?
Answer: Matthew
Question: In the Acts of the Apostles, who is Stephen?
Answer: The first Christian martyr
Question: In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities?
Answer: Love
Question: In the Gospel According to John, which apostle doubts Jesus’ resurrection until he sees Jesus with his own eyes?
Answer: Thomas
Question: Which Gospel mostly speaks on the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: The Gospel According to John
Question: Which biblical narrative is connected to Palm Sunday?
Answer: Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before his death
Question: Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
Answer: Luke
Question: What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
Answer: Cana of Galilee
Question: The Apostle John and Moses wrote how many books?
Answer: Five
Question: Which book is also called the book of a second chance?
Answer: Jonah
Question: Which men came from the East to worship baby Jesus
Answer: The Magi
Question: Which disciple walked on water?
Answer: Peter
Question: Who is the mother of all living?
Answer: Eve
Question: In which town did Jesus drive an evil spirit out of a man who called him the Holy One of God?
Answer: Capernaum
Question: Who sacked the Syrian camp?
Answer: Lepers
Question: How long is the famine that Elisha prophesizes?
Answer: 7 Years
Question: At what age did Jesus start his ministry?
Answer: 30
Question: What miracle did Jesus perform on the Sabbath?
Answer: Healing the man who was born blind
Question: What Roman Governor presided over Judea during the trial of Jesus?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
Question: What did Felix feel when Paul told him of Christ?
Answer: Fear
Question: How many days after birth is circumcision performed according to the Laws of Moses?
Answer: Eight
Question: Who must we become like to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Answer: Children
Question: According to Paul, who is the Head of the church?
Answer: Christ
Question: Which city mentioned in Revelation is also an American city?
Answer: Philadelphia
Question: Who did God say would worship at the feet of the angel of the Church of Philadelphia?
Answer: The false Jews of the synagogue of Satan
Question: What happened when the crew threw Jonah overboard?
Answer: The storm calmed
Question: Where was the book of 2 Timothy written?
Answer: Rome
Question: Who said, “The time of my departure is at hand”?
Answer: Paul
Question: What animal is slain for the feast of Passover?
Answer: The lamb
Question: Which plague of Egypt fell from the sky?
Answer: Hail
Question: What was the name of Moses’ sister?
Answer: Miriam
Question: King Rehoboam has how many children?
Answer: 88
Question: Who was King Solomon’s mother?
Answer: Bathsheba
Question: Who was Samuel’s father?
Answer: Elkanah
Question: Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Answer: John
Question: Was John the Baptist a disciple?
Answer: No
Question: How many Gospels are in the New Testament?
Answer: Four
Question: What are the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
Question: Who is the book of Acts addressing?
Answer: The churches
Question: How many horses appear in the book of Revelation?
Answer: Four
Question: What color are the four horses in the book of Revelation?
Answer: White, Red, Dark, & Pale
Question: Which disciple was crucified upside-down?
Answer: Peter
Question: What two men in the Bible never died?
Answer: Elijah & Enoch
Question: Who is the oldest man in the Bible?
Answer: Methuselah
Question: Who is Methuselah’s father?
Answer: Enoch
Question: How long did the Israelites wander through the wilderness?
Answer: 40 years
Question: How many times did Noah send out a dove from the Ark?
Answer: Three times
Question: What did the dove bring back that let Noah know that the water was receding?
Answer: A freshly plucked olive leaf
Question: Who was pregnant at the same time as Mary?
Answer: Elizabeth
Question: What were the gifts the Wise Men brought when they went to visit Jesus?
Answer: Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh
Question: In the Old Testament, which prophet foretold of Jesus’ birth?
Answer: Micah
Question: Who was the first hunter mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Nimrod
Question: Who was the only female judge mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Deborah
Question: Which woman washed Jesus’ feet?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
Question: What language is the New Testament originally written in?
Answer: Greek
Question: What does “Christ” mean?
Answer: Anointed
Question: What religion did Jesus Christ practice?
Answer: Judaism
Question: In the book of Genesis, why did the Lord decide to destroy mankind in a flood?
Answer: They had become wicked and had evil in their hearts
Question: How many pairs of each “clean” animal did Noah take on the ark?
Answer: Seven pairs
Question: How old was Noah when the flood began?
Answer: 600 years old
Question: Where did the ark come to rest after the flood?
Answer: The mountains of Ararat
Question: What was the covenant God made with Noah and his sons?
Answer: To never again send a flood to destroy the Earth
Question: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men using torches and horns?
Answer: Gideon.
Question: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?
Answer: Samson
Question: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?
Answer: A donkey’s jawbone.
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Question: How many times did David spare Saul’s life?
Answer: Twice.
Question: Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?
Answer: A cave.
Question: Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?
Answer: In a campsite, where Saul was sleeping.
Question: Name three women in the bible whose names begin with “R”.
Answer: Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth
Question: Which king had a sundial?
Answer: Hezekiah
Question: Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of a fish?
Answer: Peter
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Question: What was Harn’s father called? What were his brothers called?
Answer: Noah, Shem, Japheth
Question: What is Jesus’ other name?
Answer: Emmanuel
These are the 250+ hard bible trivia questions and answers that you can use to test your bible knowledge, for discussion purposes among friends and family, and for teaching others.
The questions and answers are simplified for all kinds of readers to understand, and if you want to print it out you can also do that.
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