In this article, we will be looking at best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live, work and retire.
Before you think of moving to Europe, there are many factors to analyze as an American, everybody knows that Europe is famous for his history, way of living, quality of life, cost of living, taxes, resident permits.
But the truth is depending on the country you are going to live in Europe, there are a number of important differences, thats why we put up this article on best country in Europe for Americans to live, work and retire. Let’s look at some of the factors to consider as an American citizen before choosing the best country in Europe to live.
How Easy Will It Be To Get A Resident Permit?
When we talk of getting a resident permit in any country in Europe, this depends on the activity you want to engage in Europe, for example if you want to be a self-employed person in an European countries. Some countries in Europe has categories of resident permit for Americans wanting to live in the country while other countries do not have this kind of Resident permit, that’s why I bring this article to limelight about the best countries in Europe for Americans to live, work and retire. This resident permit also apply to retirees or you want to live there and become an investor or if you wants to open a company as an American citizen so it really depends mostly on what you as an Americans wants to do in a particular country in Europe and what the current laws are.
Income taxes are very greatly depending on the countries you are considering to move to in Europe as an American citizen and while many countries in Europe have a bilateral agreement with the U.S to avoid double taxation on the American citizens and many others do not have such bilateral agreements, these are some things an American citizen will consider and that’s why these article will help you to know the best countries in Europe for Americans to live, work and retire.
Let’s take a look at some of the best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live, work and retire.
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Best Countries in Europe For American Citizens
Portugal is a country in Europe where Americans can live, work and retires. Portugal is one of the easiest countries in the European Union to immigrate if you are a U.S citizen opting for the best country in Europe to live and work.
There are multiple or numerous classes of resident permits, Poor Americans who wants to reside in Portugal including retirees; if you want to open a company or business or you are a self-employed person and it is also not difficult to get a work permits if you want to just get a job in Portugal.
The second advantage in living in Portugal is its relative low cost of living even if Portugal got popular and well known in the last few years. The cost of living is low or else you opt to live in LISBON where properties prices are relatively detach from the reality of the Portuguese economy.
There is relatively short coast flight from New York to Lisbon which is just a 6 -7 hours flights. Finally if you live in Portugal for 5 years, you can apply for a permanent residency and after 1 year of your residency you can apply for a citizenship. Portugal allow for a dual citizenship. So I as an American finding the best countries to live in Europe, you should the of Portugal as on of the best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live, work and retire.
Czech Republic
This is another best country in Europe for American Citizen to live, work and retires. It is often called Czechia. The Czech Republic is one of the fastest growing countries in Europe; its capital is one of the most visited cities in the world. It is the heart of Europe but is relatively and mostly affordable for Americans especially when compared to its neighbors Germany and Austria those people have a good command of English in Czech Republic if you are an American citizen that just landed and you don’t have time to learn their language which is not compulsory.
A huge advantage as an American citizen is you can get a resident permit in the country relatively easily, these applies to self-employed person are freelancers if you are a software developer for example or if you are an English teacher and also if you want to run businesses in the country.
Finally this country has the lowest tax rate in all of Europe, in many cases you can live in the country and pay a tax rate of 15% of your income. That’s why Americans should choose this country as best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live work and retire.
Spain is one of the most visited countries in the world and it is easy to understand why: It offers a high quality of life and one of the best health care in the world. It has a better climate than most countries in Western Europe, significantly lower cost of living than U.S and a number of resident permits that most Americans can apply to live in Spain.
Among the option Americans can aspire to live in Spain are: there will now look at your visa if you have any income from abroad, from pension or if you have some company abroad or if you receive dividends or if you have stocks or you work 10 days and there have also a visa for retirees and you as an American can get a resident permit if you want to run a business in Spain.
There have also the Spanish golden visa. Spanish is an easy language to learn as an American and also useful even if you ever go back to U.S. Learning the language will help especially if you are going to live and work or establish a business in Spain. One of the most disadvantages of Spain is its high taxes compare to other European countries. Spain has pretty high taxes at a personal level and also as a cooperate level. So if you as an American want to choose any country in Europe, you think of Spain.
It is one of the most developed countries in the world. Americans can enjoy the Dutch American friendship which allows U.S citizens to be freelancers or to run business in the country without having to hire anyone and it does not involve any complex requirements.
The country also has high problem of English speakers, if you want to live and do business in Amsterdam and you don’t want to learn Dutch you can stay there and use English forever. However its always recommended to learn the language of any foreign countries you stay in especially if you want to live there and do business or any thing.
Finally if you are and American citizen and you are thinking of the best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live work and retire, think the Netherlands.
Germany is right in the center of Europe; it has one of the best healthcare systems in the world which is also pretty expensive if you work in the country. Its rate of taxes is low depending on what you are doing in the country.
So if you are an American and you are looking for best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live work and retire you think of Germany.
I think you learn alot in this article on best countries in Europe for American Citizen to live work and retire
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