Objects lessons for Kids, Youth and Adults

Objects lessons for Kids, Youth and Adults

Object lessons are powerful tools to teach long-lasting lessons. Each object adds a 3-D visual to stimulate interest as well as help retain the message in memory.

Most objects are everyday items that you can pick up around the house and be ready to teach a Bible object lesson, children’s sermon, or family devotional in a matter of minutes. Object talks are also a great add-on to lessons to capture attention!  We have many object lessons organized by topic and also object talks for seasons & holidays.

This page is to assist you in quickly finding Christian object talks for certain objects and lesson topics. You may also be interested in how to write your own object lesson!

A-z Object Lessons By Topics

Adversity Anger Armor of God Belief
Bible Behavior Christians Christmas
Christmas Diversity Easter Easter
Faith Forgiveness Gospel Gospel
Holy Spirit Image of God Jesus Kindness
Love of God Nearness of God Order Praise
Prayer Prayer Repentance Righteousness
Romans 3:23 Spiritual Gifts Salvation Seek God
Self Worth Sin Spiritual Eyes Temptation
Tough Times Trinity Trust Uniqueness
Value Words Witness Worry

A-Z by Objects with Descriptions

AIR is a wonderful object to help us understand that even though we can’t see God, we can know He is near.  And just like we need air, we also need God!


Use an  APPLE to teach a lesson on the Trinity – Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

This is a great back-to-school object lesson!  Use a BACKPACK to remind students they are unique & special.  God wants to use them with their special gifts and abilities!


balloons object lesson
A helium BALLOON can teach how being filled with the Holy Spirit impacts our life and empowers us!

baseball object lesson
Missing the mark.  Use a BASEBALL to demonstrate the truth of Romans 3:23 – we all fall short of the glory of God.  We need Jesus and what He did for us.

object lesson basketball
Use the game of BASKETBALL as an object lesson for kids, teens & adults! Help them see how to aim for the most important goal in life – knowing Jesus through salvation! Great for Upward, Awana, Youth, etc.

Faith is a hard concept for kids, youth or even adults to wrap our minds around. This interactive object lesson uses Hebrews 11:1 & 6 and a BLINDFOLD to demonstrate faith believes & then acts on that belief. Faith is not blind. Also includes other faith teaching tools.

Use the act of BREATHING along with 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to teach the importance of prayer and staying in constant communication with God.

chocolate cake
Romans 8:28 comes to life using the ingredients in a  CAKE to show how God causes all things to work together for our good.  This gives kids a new perspective on tough (bad) times in our lives.

A digital CAMERA or photo to teach how we are not only created in God’s image, but our lives should also reflect His image each and every day.

wrapped candy
Wrapped CANDY is a great way to teach about protecting our hearts.

candy cane

A simple CANDY CANE teaches a wonderful Christmas object lesson!


A CELL PHONE can teach lessons on staying connected to our Source (Jesus) and also about salvation and prayer!

A CHALKBOARD or Dry Erase Board can be used to teach a fun interactive object talk on sin and the need for forgiveness.  Using a misspelled word shows kids that just because we want to do something our way doesn’t make it right.

Christmas lights2
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS can be used to teach about Jesus coming as the light of the world and use the color of the lights to expand this Christmas object lesson and remind them of what Christmas is really about.

Use a box of eight COLORS/CRAYONS to share eight wonderful truths about Jesus with kids, youth or adults.  This object lesson shares the Gospel along with other important truths.

ThisCOOKING/RECIPE object talk uses the instructions of a recipe to show kids that we can trust the Bible because of Who wrote it – God.

Use COTTON BALLS  & rocks to help kids understand kindness through object lessons.  Our words and actions can be soft or hard and hurtful.

Easter basket1

The colors of EASTER EGGS can teach six important truths about Jesus:

  1. Purple – Jesus is the King of Kings; He is fully God & rules over all.
  2. Orange – Jesus was fully man; He understands.
  3. Pink – Jesus is Savior; His blood brings forgiveness for our sin when we believe & trust in Him
  4. Green – Jesus gives new life, eternal life.
  5. Blue – Jesus is always with me through His Holy Spirit.
  6. Yellow – Jesus is preparing a home for believers in Heaven.

Easter object lesson
Another great Easter egg object lesson that’s fun for an Easter egg hunt is “Empty to Faith-Filled”!

Whether FISHING with a pole and hook or a barrel net, both can teach great Bible lessons on how Satan tempts.

football object lesson
FOOTBALL  season is a great reminder of the armor of God and the protection God gives us in the game of life. No football player, in their right mind, would run on to the field for a game without his uniform including all the pads!


Use a pair of GLASSES to share a Bible lesson of how the Holy Spirit helps us see and know God and how we can live for Him. Includes ideas for a game & take home craft.

object lesson glue
Use GLUE to help kids understand that although we can’t see God’s Holy Spirit, He can be with us and strengthening us so we do not have to be afraid or alone.

Includes instructions for fun optional craft ideas as a take home reminder.

2 Timothy 3:16 tells us the Bible is our guide for life. Use fun activities in this object lesson using a GPS!

duck decoy
These HUNTING object talks teach how Satan can hide snares among the normal surroundings of our everyday life. We must realize we can be caught unsuspecting if we’re not careful to keep our spiritual eyes open and be on alert.

valentine object lesson
INK absorption provides a fun science object lesson to show how God wants us to share the His love with others! Perfect for Valentine’s or any time!

A dirty shirt and a JERSEY help explain “imputed righteousness” or how Jesus gave us His righteousness to cover and pay for our sin.

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Help students own the idea that God is the source of all LIGHT and by plugging our lives into Him, we will therefore shine too!


A yummy M&M’S candy object lesson pointing out three important things about Christians – we are marked as believers; we are different and not all the same;  what really matters is what’s on the inside of us – Jesus!

Or use M&M or Skittles candy to help kids understand that although we all look different on the outside (even skin colors), we are each special to God and created to be filled with His sweet love.

magnifying glass
This Bible object lesson uses a MAGNIFYING GLASS and/or binoculars to demonstrate how when we “Zoom In” on God, it not only brings us peace and encouragement, but also helps others see how BIG and wonderful He is!

Two object talks using MATH!  The first uses corresponding numbers with letters in words to demonstrate God’s great love for us!

The second MATH Bible lesson uses equations demonstrating how perfect & orderly God shows Himself to be even in the area of computing numbers!

mirror object lesson
This Christian object lesson using a MIRROR teaches how we are not only created in God’s image, but our lives should also reflect His image each and every day.   A MIRROR can also be used to teach an interactive, but simple, Bible lesson on forgiveness that great for little ones!

money object lesson1
Use a twenty-dollar bill or other value of MONEY and Romans 5:8 to demonstrate how sin is damaging, but it does not change our worth to God; His grace continues to pursue us!

Or use MONEY along with Ephesians 2:8-10 to teach how salvation is a free gift, but is not automatically received!

name tag
What’s in a NAME?  Talk about how we all go by different names but we’re each only one person to teach a great lesson on the Trinity!

school supplies
A new NOTEBOOK or even a clean sheet of paper along with Psalm 51 teaches a lesson on how God can use us in amazing ways when we have a clean heart and right spirit.

Esther Bible leson
This ORIGAMI object lesson for kids or youth will help you demonstrate how when we trust God and His directions, we don’t really need to know the end result of His plans for us.

pencil object lesson
Have you ever thought about how a PENCIL can teach us that if we allow ourselves to be held in God’s hand and let Him control and guide our lives, we can accomplish great things?!  Not only that, but we are all different!  Some may be pencils, pens, markers, or highlighters.  God created us each unique and usable in His hand!

A great object lesson on self worth using PENNIES!

This simple object lesson encourages students to see their worth and value comes from God and is not based on how others may see them or even how they see themselves.  Identity is something everyone deals with.  God desires for each of us to find our identity in Christ.

Our U.S. currency can be used to teach wonderful Christian object lessons in a day in which there is such a push to take God out of our schools, our government, & our daily lives. Help kids think differently next time they find a PENNY!


There is an old saying, “the proof is in the PUDDING.” Actually the original saying said: “”the proof of the pudding is in the eating” meaning that the quality or true value of something can only be judged when it has been put to use. In the same way, the proof or truth of God’s Word in which we believe will be revealed as we actively put it to use in our lives.

pumpkin gospel
Use a PUMPKIN to illustrate how through Christ we can get a new face and let His light shine through us!

puzzle pieces
This PUZZLE object lesson looks at Jeremiah 29:11-13.  God has a plan for us.  We may only see a few pieces, but He knows the whole picture.  Even when we mess up, there is hope when we seek Him with our whole heart; He forgives.  With suicide becoming so prevalent, this is a vital lesson to teach our kids and youth…even adults.

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ROAD can lead us to many destinations and direction can be confusing.  Jesus keeps the directions to Heaven & God the Father simple as He instructs in John 14:6 that He is the way (the road) to Eternal Life!

object lesson salt
Use a SWEET & SALTY taste test to demonstrate how God can use difficult times in our life for a good purpose.

Taste and see that God is good all the time!

“The Legend of the SAND DOLLAR” –  it’s design by God ,the Creator, tells the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This makes a wonderful Christian object lesson for kids of any age!


SEED is such a beautiful picture of salvation!  Several of Jesus’ parables talk about the planting of seeds.  By itself, a seed appears to be dead, and for all basic purposes in and of itself, it is.  There is no life, no growth, until….

Every seed has potential for life and potential for growth, but it is not until water is added that life and growth begin to take place!

silver plate tray07
Use your tarnished SILVER tray to teach a Bible lesson about how God is at work in our lives even when things are tough.

snowflake real

God’s ability to take a speck of dust and create a SNOWFLAKE makes a wonderful object lesson using the science of snow to give a Bible lesson on forgiveness!


How should Christians respond when “squeezed” by the world? Use this Bible lesson and a SPONGE  to demonstrate how we can respond in times of trials and tribulation.

tea bag
This is such a creative way to share the resurrection story using a TEA BAG  for an Easter lesson!

toolbox object lesson
God’s TOOLBOX is a lesson about the different spiritual gifts God gives and how He uses us each uniquely to build up His church.

toothpaste object lesson
A tube of TOOTHPASTE can illustrate how we should think before we speak; we can’t just put words back into our mouth once they’re out!

Tootsie roll pop lesson
A TOOTSIE ROLL POP can teach a lesson on how the Holy Spirit perseveres to reach our heart no matter how much we have sinned.

The tiniest shell can become a lesson on how He cares about the tiniest details of our lives.  He is amazing!

Whether we are walking on the beach, climbing a mountain, or just sitting in our own home, God is waiting to speak to us!  He desires to have conversations, and many times He’ll even use everyday objects to begin them.



Teaching children using everyday objects will carry your Bible lesson beyond the classroom into real life.  Every time they see that object again it will be a reminder of the Bible truth that was taught.  It will also teach them to look and listen for God speaking wherever they go!  What better lesson is there than that they learn they can know Him personally and He can be with them anywhere…always!

If we look around, we see and hear God speaking through so many object lessons – from an apple to water; seasonal objectssuper easy objects ; or other everyday objects!

Almost any everyday object can become a lesson to help us better understand Who God is and how we can know Him better!

Object Devotions

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Object lessons are not just for children!  So many things in our everyday lives as adults can help us learn and know God better while also reminding us of these lessons as we notice the objects throughout our day.  These object devotions also contain creative children activities and ideas to help us pass these on to our kids no matter their ages!

Stories As Object Lessons

Even stories can become object lessons.  Just like everyday objects, stories can lock a lesson into our memory.  Some pastors call these sermon illustrations.  Who doesn’t love a story and a story with a Bible lesson is that much better!  Each of these include story lessons include Scripture references and Bible application lessons to teach and inspire.

Even More Object Lessons!

If you have enjoyed these free lessons, you are also going to love what’s available from-


They offer 52 free object lessons that are easy to access and also include video demonstrations!

Still more great Bible object talks…

Sermons4Kids offers a searchable index for children’s sermons too that is a wonderful tool for children’s church leaders, pastors, Sunday school teachers, or any other adult looking for new innovative Bible lessons to use with children.

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