This article is on Free Printable Bridal Shower Games. To make a bridal shower successful, it is important to have activities that help guests get to know each other, but without making it uncomfortable. These activities that help people get to know each other are called icebreakers. At bridal showers, these icebreakers often come in the form of games.
There are so many games to choose from, it’s hard to decide which one to do. Luckily, we have done our research and made 12 games for bridal showers that you can print for free. These games are guaranteed to make guests chat and become friends. Just click on the bridal shower games you like the most to see more details and download the free PDF files.
1. How Well Do You Know the Bride?
This is our top pick for printable bridal shower games because it gives guests a good opportunity to learn more about the bride (or show off their existing knowledge). Just ask the bride to answer all 15 questions and write down her answers as the correct answers. The person who gets the most answers right will win a prize!
2. Bridal Shower Bingo
This next option is by far the most preferred among all printable bridal shower games. It’s both really easy and a fun way to make the gift-opening part of the bridal shower more interesting for guests. Give playing cards to everyone and ask them to write which gifts they think the bride will get. Mark the correct guesses as they are made. The person who is the first to get 5 in a row will win!
3. He Said, She Said
We really like this choice because it also includes the groom. Prior to the bridal shower, the couple should decide which person is most fitting for each of the 15 statements. If they cannot come to an agreement, the answer can be both individuals. Use their responses as your answer key. The person who makes the most correct guesses will win.
4. What’s In Your Purse?
This is another popular printable game for bridal showers because it is easy to play and always makes people laugh. Give each person a game card and ask them to look in their purses to find and mark off items from the list. The person who has earned the highest number of points overall will be the winner.
5. Bridal Shower Mad Libs
This game doesn’t have a clear winner, but it’s definitely the funniest among all the bridal shower games mentioned here. In order to play, guests will need to work together to complete the missing parts of the couple’s love story. After they have completed their own cards, they should each take turns reading the love stories out loud.
6. Would She Rather
This is another game to learn about the bride, but instead of answering questions, guests have to guess what she would prefer between two choices. Before the bridal shower, ask the bride to choose between two options for each of the 16 scenarios and write down her answers as your answer key. The person who guesses the most answers correctly is the winner.
7. Bridal Shower Word Scramble
This is a printable game that you can play at a bridal shower to keep yourself busy while the bride is opening her gifts. Just give everyone game cards and start the timer. The person who solves all 28 wedding-related word puzzles the quickest will be the winner.
8. Bridal Emoji Pictionary
We really like this option because it’s an old-fashioned game with a modern touch, which is great for both young and old guests. Just like before, the person who can answer all 15 phrases correctly and quickly will be the winner.
9. Find the Guest
This is the most interactive printable game for bridal showers because guests have to talk to each other to play. After you give out the game cards, the guests will have to talk to each other and find someone who fits each of the 15 descriptions. The person who finds all 15 things first will be the winner!
10. Disney Love Songs Game
This is a common option for printable bridal shower games because everyone will definitely know some of the answers, no matter how old they are. After giving out game cards, every guest needs to connect the movie with its love song match. Sometimes, there might be a few people who win, so make sure to prepare for this possibility.
11. Bridal Shower Scattergories
This game is the trickiest on the list because guests need to think carefully about how they answer. After everyone has filled in all of the 48 blanks, we can find out who has the most different answers. The person who has the highest total points in the end is the winner.
12. Bridal Shower Word Search
The last game on our list is like a word scramble and can be a fun way to entertain guests while opening gifts. Begin the clock after every person receives their game card, and the person who finds all 20 hidden words first becomes the winner.
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