All Free Bible Study Lesson Book PDF

All Free Bible Study Lesson Book PDF

In this article onlinestudyingservices will talk about Bible Study Lesson. In the Great law, Jesus commanded Christians to make disciples. And He taught us to teach those disciples to obey all that He commanded us. Our vision here at onlinestudyingservices is help you make disciples in small group Bible studies and to help those disciples learn to not just head knowledge, but obedience. We hope to see lives transformed, communities changed, disciples reproducing, and Christ glorified through this bible study lessons pdf.

We believe that the Holy Spirit will use God’s Word to convict and change us through this bible study lesson. Our duty is to faithfully study the Bible in order to know its true meaning and then to diligently make application to our own lives through this bible study lesson.

Therefore we at onlinestuyingservices have compiled nearly two decades of in depth and practical, free Bible study lessons to help you in your own study. These simple online lessons can also provide a valuable resource in helping you lead a weekly small group Bible study lessons. We pray that you will find them to be a useful aid as you dig in to the Word of God.

Each Bible study guide gives discussion questions, cross-references, verse by verse commentary, and applications. All of these are designed to help you get the most out of the passage, while encouraging life change.

Being Renewed In Christ Jesus

This is the a bible study lesson, Being Renewed In Christ – Romans 12:2 and Titus 3:3-5 A key verse about renewal is Romans 12:2. Romans 12:2 – Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of the word

Judas and Peter – What Is True Repentance?

This is another bible study lesson, The Tale of Two Betrayers in the bible – What Is True Repentance? There were two men. These two men were both part of Jesus’ core group. Both of them witnessed Jesus’ miracles and heard Jesus’ teaching.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus

This is another bible study lesson, Jesus’ Companion; Our Companion – Role of the Spirit in the Life of Christ Jesus Introduction Who is the most neglected person of the Trinity? Answer: The Holy Spirit. There are a few reasons to learn on this Jesus Companion.

Christmas Sharing – The Angelic Message

This is another bible study lessons, The Angelic Messages – The Official “Meaning of Christmas” statement What is Christmas about? Lights? Trees? Snow? Gifts? Eggnog? These days, Jesus seems to be often left out of the story of life now.

David – Walking In The Wilderness With God

David – Lessons From His Wilderness Years – Psalm 63 Question: What are some of the characters in the Bible who did a lot of walking? Possible answers: Abraham, Jesus,

Noah – A Man Who Walked With God

This is another bible study lesson, Noah – What Does It Mean To Walk With God? Noah Bible Study Video Noah Bible Study Podcast How much walking do people from your country do?

Colossians 4:2-4 Sermon

Colossians 4:2-4 Sermon – Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer Colossians 4:2-4 Sermon Video Colossians 4:2-4 Audio Bible Study Passage Intro: Are you satisfied with your prayer life?

Colossians 2:16-23 Sermon – Relationship Not Ritual

Colossians 2:16-23 Sermon – Relationship Not Ritual Throughout history, people have gravitated toward religious rituals as a way to draw close to God. Many in the church have turned to rituals

Who is Jesus? The Preeminence of Christ

Who Is Jesus? – Colossians 1:15-20 Sermon – Clearest Christological Passage In The Bible Intro – Once a Sunday School teacher asked the class, “what is brown, furry

Revelation 19:11-21 Sermon

Revelation 19:11-21 Sermon – Return Of The King IntroI was amazed when I looked up a survey which said that 79% of Americans believe Jesus will return to the earth someday. It was surprising

Day of Atonement

Day Of Atonement – What Does This Old Testament Ritual Teach Us About Christ? Background יום הכיפורים, Yom HaKipurim Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement is still celebrated by Jews today

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday And Jesus’ Last Week – Walking With The King – What Is He Teaching Us? Recently my wife and I visited Lijiang old town in Yunnan province. I had been almost

Walking With Jesus

This is another bible study lesson, The Calling To Walk With Jesus Sermon – Matthew 4:18-22 (Above is the original audio from the sermon on February 27th, 2022. Audio quality is a bit volatile.) Today I am

The Never Ending Battle

Mark 14:32-52 Sermon – The Never Ending Battle And Learning To Pray My kids have a daily schedule printed out and hanging on their door. It starts off with, “Wake up, make bed,

Revelation 22:1-11 Sermon

Revelation 22:1-11 Sermon – Eternal Blessings Introduction A survey was given to over 700 people. The question asked was “If you could say in one word what you want more

The Growing Christian – New Year Challenge

The Growing Christian – Hebrews 5:11-14 Spiritual Checkup for 2021 2021 is over. So it is a good time to take a spiritual checkup. Take a couple of minutes and right down answers

Jesus is the Most Approachable Person Who Ever Lived

Introduction What is your favorite Christmas story? This week I was curious what people thought, so I checked Google. My search was “Best Christmas Story of All Time.” I got a lot

Revelation 18 Sermon

Revelation 18 – Two Ways – The Fall of Babylon Introduction When we study Revelation it is easy to feel it is a bit alien and foreign to us. After all,

Revelation 8 Sermon

Revelation 8 Sermon – The Seventh Seal and First Four Trumpet Judgements Bigger Picture / Seal Judgments Review Today we come to Revelation 8 and the final seal judgment

Daniel 10 – Behind The Scenes Of Spiritual Battles

What Do Spiritual Battles Look Like? – A Behind The Scenes Look From Daniel 10 Daniel 10:2-4 – In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I ate no delicacies

Laodicea – The Self-Sufficient Church

Sermon On The Letter To The Church Of Laodicea – The Self-Sufficient Church Like the other churches, it was in the Roman province of Asia (modern day Turkey). It was located

The Church Of Smyrna

Revelation 2:8-11 Sermon – The Church Of Smyrna (The Persecuted Church) Revelation 2:8-11 – “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the first and the last, who died and came to

Jesus In The Tabernacle

Jesus In The Tabernacle – How Does The Old Testament Tabernacle Point To Jesus?     I. Virtual Tour Overview of Tabernacle 46 x 23 meters (150 feet X 75 feet)

10 Amazing Things About Moses

10 Amazing Things You Should Know About MosesGuest Post by Heroes Bible TriviaEverybody loves Moses!It is just so mind-blowing to think how a mortal man could encounter big miracles throughout his lifetime!From the burning bush to the ten plagues,

The Helmet of Salvation

The Helmet of Salvation – Ephesians 6:17 Ephesians 6:17 – And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Verse 11 and in verse

Gospel Sharing Tool

This is another bible study lesson, Gospel Sharing Tool – Learn How To Share The Good News Bridge 1 Peter 3:15 – But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks

Boaz Character Study – Lessons For Singles

Boaz Character Study – Important Lessons For Singles From the Life of Boaz Being the kind of man God wants you to be (this will be the foundation for a godly marriage).

The Light Of Jesus Opens Eyes

2 Corinthians 4:4-6 – Light Of Jesus Opens Eyes Blinded By Satan 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 – The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the

Overcoming Through Christ

Overcoming Through Christ – Sermon on Romans 8:28-39 Romans 8:28-39 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Exodus 18 Sermon – You Are Not Able To Go It Alone

Exodus 18 Sermon – Life in the Family Of God – You Are Not Able To Go It Alone Introduction: On January 28, 1986 the US space shuttle Challenger was about to

Amos 3:7 – God Reveals Himself To Us

Amos 3:7 – God Reveals Himself To Us Amos 3:7 – Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.Amos contains a wonderful reminder about the God we serve. And that is

Challenges of the First Christmas – Pressing on in Obedience

6 Challenges Around The First Christmas – Pressing On Most images nativity scenes look really beautiful. Peaceful. Calm. Cuddly. Even the animals are cooperating. In this picture we even see a church

Journey of the Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon – Journey of the Wise Men Listen to Whole Sermon: Introduction: Today we are going to talk about one of the most famous journeys in the Bible

Exodus 12:1-30 – Sermon

Exodus 12:1-30 Sermon – The Passover Points To Jesus A Sunday School teacher asks his class, “what is brown and furry and collects nuts for the winter?” A student replies, “It

The God of All Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:3-7 – The God of All Comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,

The Prosperity Gospel

What Does The Bible Say About The Prosperity Health and Wealth Gospel? In general, the prosperity gospel is a teaching which espouses “health and wealth.” Prosperity gospel preachers teach things like “if you

Abundant Life – John 10:10

Abundant Life in Christ – John 10:10 We Have an Abundant Life in ChristThe thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Matthew 5 Beatitudes Sermon

This is another bible study lesson, Matthew 5:1-12 – Kingdom People and Kingdom Promises Matthew 5 is the beginning of Jesus’ most famous sermon. It is often called the Sermon on the Mount. To understand this sermon in context

Exodus 2 Sermon

This is another bible study lesson, The Characters Behind the Exodus – Sermon on Exodus 2 The Bible is a history book filled with people. There are rich people, poor people, righteous people, and sinful people. There are young

Hosea 12:1 – Feeding On Wind

Bible Study on Hosea 12:1 – Feeding on Wind and the Emptiness of Pursuing the World Hosea 12:1 Eating Wind Video Hosea 12:1 Eating Wind Podcast In our

Ephesians 4:11-13 – Equipping The Saints

Ephesians 4:11-13 – Equipping The Saints For the Works of Service Ephesians 4:11-13 – And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body

Why Is Blood Necessary For Redemption?

Why Is Blood Necessary For Redemption? – A Bible Study On Blood Atonement A friend recently asked me, “Why is blood necessary for redemption?” It is a good question. A newcomer to church is likely to walk

Who is Jesus? Seven I AM Statements About Himself

Who Is Jesus? Seven I AM Statement He Made In The Gospel Of John We know the basics. Jesus Christ is God’s Son (John 10:36, Luke 22:70). He is one hundred percent man

How Can I Know God’s Will – Hand Of Knowing God’s Will

How Can I Know God’s Will? – Five Ways To Find God’s Will For Your Life How can I know God’s will for my life? This is one of the most common and

Study and Obey (And Teach)

Study and Obey (and Teach) – Why We Chose This Website Name – Ezra 7:10 Our website’s name and vision comes directly from Scripture. Our key verse is: Ezra 7:10 – For Ezra

Study and Obey (And Teach)

Study and Obey (and Teach) – Why We Chose This Website Name – Ezra 7:10 Our website’s name and vision comes directly from Scripture. Our key verse is: Ezra 7:10 – For Ezra

What is Unity? Philippians 4:1-3

Four Aspects of Unity from Philippians 4:1-3 Listen to sermon here: A pastor named Vance Havner once said, ““Snowflakes are frail, but if enough of them get together they can stop

Hand of the Word

Hand of the Word – Five Ways to Hold on to God’s Word the Bible In Bible study this week I came across an interesting verse. Hosea 8:12 – Were I to write

Where is Dad? Fathers Play With Your Kids

Where is Dad? Fathers Play With Your Kids Fathers, you are the authority over your children. You should teach them the importance of obedience (Ephesians 6:1). But fathers wear many hats

Father’s Should Prepare Their Children for Eternity

Where is Dad? Fathers Should Prepare Their Children for Eternity. Prepare Your Children for the World…. and Eternity The family is under attack. Around the world cultural forces seek to undermine God’s plan

Press on in Shining the Light

Philippians 2:12-18 Sermon – Press on in Shining the Light Shine as Lights in the Darkness Introduction: I was reading news this week and saw an article. The title was “Researchers have created

Fathers Should Participate

Where is Dad? Fathers Should Participate In Their Children’s Lives With Father’s Day coming up, there is no better time to talk about the important role of fathers in raising godly children

What Is Your Life Vision?

The Importance of Developing A Personal Vision Statement What Is Your Life Vision? Knowing this, helps you identify your goal so that you can work toward it. If you do not know what.

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