Are you looking for fantastic free Bible study lessons for adults with questions and answers? Have a look at these studies, which cover a wide range of Bible themes, characters, and books.
All Free Bible Study Lessons for Adults
1) The Whole Bible in 90 Days Plan
The YouVersion Bible app and Bible.com are your best bets if you’re a Bible neophyte wondering “How do beginners learn the Bible for free?” For those who wish to quickly and thoroughly go through the entire Bible, such as new believers or those who have never studied the Bible before, this YouVersion 90-day schedule is fantastic!
2) 365-Day Reading Plan
Want a thorough overview of the Bible that features daily readings from the Old and New Testaments that have been carefully chosen? You could benefit from using Biblica.com’s 365-day plan!
3) Two-Year, In Depth Bible Study Plan
Alternatively, you might use this longer-term cover-to-cover Bible reading plan from YouVersion. The seventh day of each seven-day week is set aside for relaxation and meditation.
4) 3-Question Bible Studies
Now let’s move on to some more engaging and timely adult Bible study classes! These three-question study guides by Anne Graham-Lotz are excellent for both solitary and group study.
5) 12-Month Topical Reading Plan
Looking for solid adult Bible study sessions that cover a variety of subjects each month and last the entire year? Have a look at this strategy from Undoubted Grace.
6) 12-Month Topical Reading Plan
Moreover, there is this Bible reading schedule from Kingdom Bloggers for a full year. You might follow each of these plans in one year or across several years because each of them includes a unique selection of monthly topics.
7) SoJo Academy 1-hour Bible Study
All of our free adult Bible study sessions up to this point have been lengthy (multi-week or year-long plans). Yet, this stand-alone Bible study from SoJo Society takes you through inductive Bible study methods in a single, hour-long session.
8) Joyce Meyer’s 3030 Challenge
Have you had trouble starting or maintaining a daily Bible study routine? If so, you MUST take on the 30-minute challenge every day for 30 days! Sign up for this challenge from renowned Christian author Joyce Meyer to receive advice, scriptures, videos, and more for Bible study. ideal for assisting you in forming a regular habit of studying God’s Word.
9) Armor of God Reading Plan with Printable
I adore the Garments of Splendor Armor of God Bible reading plan! It includes texts from Ephesians 6:14–17, meditation questions, prayers, and a handy printable list of all the armor pieces. This is the only adult Bible study lesson that I wanted to do for myself out of all the free ones that I found for this post.
10) Treasure Hunting the Bible: Study Worksheets
The following resource is more of a study method that you may use to any Scripture rather than a topical study. With helpful worksheets you may use to record your findings, Arabah Joy guides you through 20 things to search for in a Bible verse.
11) Embracing Grace Scripture Writing Plan
Searching for young adults’ Bible study lessons? I believe that both teens and adults would benefit greatly from taking a study like this one from Organic Christian Living’s Embracing Grace. It’s a 31-day schedule that includes Scriptures, journaling prompts, free printable art, and more! It has all the information you need to comprehend God’s grace and what it means for your relationship with Him.
12) Lamb of God Bible Study & Scripture Writing Journal
One of my personal favorite free adult Bible study lessons is this one. To get this lovely lamb of God Bible study and many other fantastic freebies, be sure to sign up for JoDitt’s FREE “Delight in the Word” club. JoDitt also sells a ton of excellent Bible studies, printables, and coloring books in her store.
13) Acts in 30 Days Bible Plan
Understanding Christianity, the Holy Spirit, and the early Christian church’s history all depend heavily on the book of Acts. Check out this strategy from Loving Christ Ministries if you’ve never read it or have had trouble understanding it. Each of these free printable Bible study lessons comes with a pdf that you can print out and use to think on the reading for that day.
14) 30 Day Fruits of the Spirit Bible Reading Plan
Want to know more about the characteristics of the Holy Spirit? Check out this study plan from The Holy Mess, which also contains some awesome free printables.
15) Bible Journaling Challenge 4-Week Series
This four-week email series (from yours truly) on Biblical journaling is a terrific place to start if you’ve never heard of it but are interested in learning more. Find out more about what materials to use, how art journals can aid in Bible study, and more.
16) 7 Days to More Christ-Like Character Study
This study of Psalm 15 from Faithfully Planted is the following in this series of free adult Bible study sessions. With a message, a prayer, and questions to help you ponder, each day explores a different aspect of godly character.
17) Worthy of the Calling: 31-Day Study of Ephesians
Are you on a tight schedule? If so, you’ll adore this collection of quick adult Bible study sessions on the book of Ephesians! Every day only takes 15 minutes!
18) 21 Days to Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman Devotional
Check out this Proverbs 31 woman study from Ministry Minded Mom whether you’re a wife or mother. The devotional is available as a handy pdf file, and it includes brief daily lectures as well as doable daily actions you may use to put the teachings into practice.
19) 30 Days of Knowing My Identity in Christ Bible Plan
I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s simple to let what the world has to say about me override what the Bible has to say. We need a study like this one from the Holy Mess during those moments to help us remember who we are in Christ.
20) Colossians Bible Study – Complete in Christ
Megan Allen Ministries has created a fantastic free 30-day Colossians study that includes journaling and coloring pages.
21) All God’s Women Bible Study Podcast
Want some outstanding free adult Bible study sessions that highlight the biblical women? Check out Sharon Wilharm’s fantastic podcast! BONUS: Because each episode lasts only around 10 minutes, you can easily include one in your daily Bible study session.
22) Encouragement in the Trenches of Motherhood Bible Study
Moms, call to action! Check out this awesome study from Mama Reflections, which features a Bible reading schedule, journaling pages, and lots of other fantastic resources.
23) Ladies Drawing Nigh 15-Minute Studies
Check out these succinct adult Bible study sessions from Women Coming Near. You can choose from a number of Old and New Testament book studies, and with only 15 minutes per study, you can easily fit it into your day.
24) Through the Word: Revelation Explained
I wanted to include a Revelation lesson to round up these free adult Bible study classes. Revelation is the most difficult book to understand, in my opinion, simply because of its prophetic content and extensive symbolism. And as a result, I put off reading it for a very long time! Up until I came across this Thru the Word program called Revelation Explained. The various components of this study—a total of seven—may be found on the YouVersion Bible app, or you can download the Thru the Word app to acquire the whole study plan.
There are a number of other free Bible studies available here; these free Bible study lessons for adults with questions and answers are merely the tip of the iceberg. Keep searching for more articles like this.
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